make up some new characters for mk7 that would play a interesting part in the story give these new characters names and what is there business in mk 7 !(create ur own character)
Mortal Kombat X
Pages: 1
make up some new characters for mk7 that would play a interesting part in the story give these new characters names and what is there business in mk 7 !(create ur own character)
A sorcer once loyal to sho kahn, warlock was deafeted by shang tsung and lost his rightful place at the side of is master sho kahn in outworld. In atempt to aid raiden and quan chi aganist onaga shang tsung was finaly destroyed. Warlock can now once again reunite and aid his former master to take back what is his OUTWORLD!
A great battle was once held over who held power over the great tournament mortal kombat. Shang tsung had defeated me and belived that i was destroyed but he was decived for i only was merly injured and fled into the 5th plain of netherrealm. while there i was confronted by a familer voice who i had not seen since earths invasion shinnok he has promised me eternal power in exchange to retrive his sacret amulat. I must now choose to betray my former master or suffer at the hands of power shinnok ! ps read post below didnt alow me to attach to same post for some reason
joyoza Wrote:
A sorcer once loyal to sho kahn, warlock was deafeted by shang tsung and lost his rightful place at the side of is master sho khan in outworld. In atempt to aid raiden and quan chi aganist onaga shang tsung was finaly destroyed. Warlock can now once again reunite and aid his fromer master to take back what is his OUTWORLD!
A great battle was once held over who held power over the great tournament mortal kombat. Shang tsung had defeated me and belived that i was destroyed but he was decived for i only was merly injured and fled into the 5th plain of netherrealm. while there i was confronted by a familer voice who i had not seen since earths invasion shinnok he has promised me eternal power in exchange to retrive his sacret amulat. I must now choose to betray my former master or suffer at the hands of power shinnok !
ps read post below didnt alow me to attach to same post for some reason
PS:(Reason why i created this character is to finally kill off shang tsung and bring in some new blood. A new sorcer and just to let u all know if u didnt understand this bio, basicly warlock and shang tsung went at it to predict who would host the orginal mk tournament mk 1 - mk 2 warlock is back to continue where he had failed before at the same time spice up the story with confusion over the choices he now has in front of him betray his former master in exchange for eternal power or to be destoyed by shinnok himself once able to flee from his confines.warlock:
A sorcer once loyal to sho kahn, warlock was deafeted by shang tsung and lost his rightful place at the side of is master sho khan in outworld. In atempt to aid raiden and quan chi aganist onaga shang tsung was finaly destroyed. Warlock can now once again reunite and aid his fromer master to take back what is his OUTWORLD!
A great battle was once held over who held power over the great tournament mortal kombat. Shang tsung had defeated me and belived that i was destroyed but he was decived for i only was merly injured and fled into the 5th plain of netherrealm. while there i was confronted by a familer voice who i had not seen since earths invasion shinnok he has promised me eternal power in exchange to retrive his sacret amulat. I must now choose to betray my former master or suffer at the hands of power shinnok !
ps read post below didnt alow me to attach to same post for some reason

I hope this isn't bumping, but it's a cool thread.
allies= Goro, Kitana, Kintaro, Sheeva
foes= Motaro, Noob Saibot
bio 1=
murdered by the assassin, Noob Saibot, my grandfather was the king of Kuatan. My father, Goro, was then kinged without ceremony. he supposedly died in battle at the same shadowy hands. it was up to me now, as the new king of Kuatan, to lead the nation to victory. it is custom to king the prince at their fathers funeral, to banish the old and welcome the new. but before my supposed father's coffin hit the fiery pit that had devoured my ancestors, I told them to wait and demanded they open the coffin. they did as I asked when I realized the body was not that of my father's. the scar was gone from his chest where a human slashed it four years ago. my father is alive somewhere, and I will find him. even if I have to go through the netherrealm to do so.
bio 2=
the prince of Kuatan took a garrison of troops to outworld. and helped tip the scales of a losing battle between Edenia and tarkatans. general Bo' Rai Cho thanked him with information. a soldier had seen a shokan and a large armored figure traversing the caverns to the Dragon King's palace. upon arrival, the troops witnessed a chaos cleric run away with some sort of heart, but they would not have a chance to question him, as they were attacked by three skilled warriors, one with a metal contraption clinging to his face. the three eventually retreated, but not before they annhialated a third of the garrison. after scouring the palace, the shokans discovered a portal, which they crossed on Prince Durok's order. when they reached the other side, they found themselves in the 1st plane of the netherrealm itself. Durok now fights through a hellish world where he beleives Goro is still alive.
miscellaneous facts= Durok is named after his uncle, whom Goro still honors
allies= Goro, Kitana, Kintaro, Sheeva
foes= Motaro, Noob Saibot
bio 1=
murdered by the assassin, Noob Saibot, my grandfather was the king of Kuatan. My father, Goro, was then kinged without ceremony. he supposedly died in battle at the same shadowy hands. it was up to me now, as the new king of Kuatan, to lead the nation to victory. it is custom to king the prince at their fathers funeral, to banish the old and welcome the new. but before my supposed father's coffin hit the fiery pit that had devoured my ancestors, I told them to wait and demanded they open the coffin. they did as I asked when I realized the body was not that of my father's. the scar was gone from his chest where a human slashed it four years ago. my father is alive somewhere, and I will find him. even if I have to go through the netherrealm to do so.
bio 2=
the prince of Kuatan took a garrison of troops to outworld. and helped tip the scales of a losing battle between Edenia and tarkatans. general Bo' Rai Cho thanked him with information. a soldier had seen a shokan and a large armored figure traversing the caverns to the Dragon King's palace. upon arrival, the troops witnessed a chaos cleric run away with some sort of heart, but they would not have a chance to question him, as they were attacked by three skilled warriors, one with a metal contraption clinging to his face. the three eventually retreated, but not before they annhialated a third of the garrison. after scouring the palace, the shokans discovered a portal, which they crossed on Prince Durok's order. when they reached the other side, they found themselves in the 1st plane of the netherrealm itself. Durok now fights through a hellish world where he beleives Goro is still alive.
miscellaneous facts= Durok is named after his uncle, whom Goro still honors

About Me
When Mortal Kombat Deception for the Gamecube comes out in England, wake me up
Origin: Outworld
Alignment: Evil
Allies: Motaro, Centaurs
Foes: Kintaro, Shokans, Shao Kahn
The Centaurs are a race of half-man, half horse warriors. We are the mortal enemies of the 4-armed freaks known as the Shokan. We have been at war with the Shokan for quite some time. Therefore, it was such a relief my older brother, Motaro, capitalised on Kintaro's pathetic defeat in the second tournament and was quickly promoted to be the head of the Outworld Emperor Shao Kahn's forces. Even better, he relegated the Shokan to below the Centaurs. They had to take orders from us and obey them. I proudly served Kahn and my brother Motaro during the invasion of Earthrealm. Surprisingly, the Earthrealm warrior Liu Kang was able to defeat my brother and Kahn. Then disaster struck: the traitorous female Shokan killed my brother Motaro. I was devestated. I swore revenge, though Kahn quickly executed Sheeva before I could do anything. To add insult to injury, Goro, thought dead after the war against Kitana (which I took part in), returned, together his Shokan army and pledged his allegiance to Kahn, but only if the Centaurs were banished. Kahn agreed, and now we are outcasts. But not for much longer. Goro is dead, killed by the Tartakan Baraka, and Kintaro has resurfaced to take over from Goro. Now is the time to strike, while the Shokans are still recovering from the loss of Goro. I will journey to Shao Kahn's Palace and attack and kill Kintaro. Once their leader is dead, the Shokans will flee, leaving Shao Kahn unprotected. No one humiliates the Centaurs and gets away with it!
Origin: Outworld
Alignment: Evil
Allies: Motaro, Centaurs
Foes: Kintaro, Shokans, Shao Kahn
The Centaurs are a race of half-man, half horse warriors. We are the mortal enemies of the 4-armed freaks known as the Shokan. We have been at war with the Shokan for quite some time. Therefore, it was such a relief my older brother, Motaro, capitalised on Kintaro's pathetic defeat in the second tournament and was quickly promoted to be the head of the Outworld Emperor Shao Kahn's forces. Even better, he relegated the Shokan to below the Centaurs. They had to take orders from us and obey them. I proudly served Kahn and my brother Motaro during the invasion of Earthrealm. Surprisingly, the Earthrealm warrior Liu Kang was able to defeat my brother and Kahn. Then disaster struck: the traitorous female Shokan killed my brother Motaro. I was devestated. I swore revenge, though Kahn quickly executed Sheeva before I could do anything. To add insult to injury, Goro, thought dead after the war against Kitana (which I took part in), returned, together his Shokan army and pledged his allegiance to Kahn, but only if the Centaurs were banished. Kahn agreed, and now we are outcasts. But not for much longer. Goro is dead, killed by the Tartakan Baraka, and Kintaro has resurfaced to take over from Goro. Now is the time to strike, while the Shokans are still recovering from the loss of Goro. I will journey to Shao Kahn's Palace and attack and kill Kintaro. Once their leader is dead, the Shokans will flee, leaving Shao Kahn unprotected. No one humiliates the Centaurs and gets away with it!
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