MK7 Should it be just for online playing
Mortal Kombat X
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MK7 Should it be just for online playing
I think it would be a cool idea to have it online strictly though kinda of like the new matrix game walk around in diffrent worlds on diffrent servers I think that would be fun. But the problem is online players for any system are only 17 percent of gamers are online users but is slowly building to group togethor. But that means that only 17 percent (And they have to all buy the game) of the games would be sold. But yet again online gameing is building up as we speak, and maybe instead of 50$ a game maybe 60$ just to try to make up for the non online players

In other words you want to turn Mortal Kombat into a MMORPG?
No thanks, as better as it would be than konquest it would still follow the same boring priniciples of go to random generic building 45 and beat up a room of faceless monks. Over and over again. No thanks.
No thanks, as better as it would be than konquest it would still follow the same boring priniciples of go to random generic building 45 and beat up a room of faceless monks. Over and over again. No thanks.

Can't agree with it, either. Don't worry, someone will sooner or later! 
nah, not a good or practicle idea. Online gaming is the way of the future but its still in its infancy in most aspects. The majority of gamers prolly dont play online. Personally i wouldent mind considering id play it online, but for the rest of the world it wont happen.
Not only online.
1st of all, It's not reasonable cus the MK team need to sell MK games as much as they can in order to cover their expenses and gain profits. Even if they increase its price it might not still be sufficient when only 17% are buying it. Also, there is the international customers loyalty and satisfaction. For their work to be seen and known by many people in the world is better than to be only appreciated locally or by few.
So, having almost 17% of users online like u already said won't help the MK team at all or any other game having such an online amount of users for it.
1st of all, It's not reasonable cus the MK team need to sell MK games as much as they can in order to cover their expenses and gain profits. Even if they increase its price it might not still be sufficient when only 17% are buying it. Also, there is the international customers loyalty and satisfaction. For their work to be seen and known by many people in the world is better than to be only appreciated locally or by few.
So, having almost 17% of users online like u already said won't help the MK team at all or any other game having such an online amount of users for it.
No. I hate online play, plus it would be a stupid business move.
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