Morphing Shang Tsung?
Mortal Kombat X
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Morphing Shang Tsung?
posted03/24/2005 05:44 PM (UTC)by
You think that we'll ever see Shang Tsung again with his morphing abilities? I know he had them in Tournament Edition, but I mean on the big consoles.
I think he should be able to use them in-game again, rather than just storyline plot.
I think he should be able to use them in-game again, rather than just storyline plot.

Fuck Boays............Im Drunk
i think he should do a violent flame erruption onhimself to cover the structure change (vice versa). That would seem logical to cover the data if only we could get a good explanation for that. It may damage opponents if they get too close, so that would cover it. Shang is really powerfull IMO.
Chrome's idea is good. Surely Shang will be back someday, and when he does return morphing would be a good idea... since he does have this great power that he never uses in battle. Perhaps an animation such as Dairou's teleport could work for him (not the actual teleport, the animation just before it happens). Something of that nature could cover the "morph" transition so we couldn't actually see it.
Hopefully MK7 will be on the next gen systems anyway... and we really aren't sure what they are capable of yet.
Hopefully MK7 will be on the next gen systems anyway... and we really aren't sure what they are capable of yet.

if there is a big cast (ie; a second trilogy) then I think he should only be able to morph into people he does the soul sucker fatality on. that would help limit controls

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Shang back to his morphing was would be and excellent idea. Now I did not have the GBA game so in the game did he also take the opponents styles of combat or just there power. If he does come back with that power, I hope he keeps his styles since he would only gain their power. It would also save time for trying to remember all the characters combos.

I'd really like to see him return with his main ability, and also return to either his MK1or MK2 look (even though both his MKDA designs rocked.)
If he was an old man again (like in the Shaolin Monks render) he would have to use his morphing ability, cus old man Shang would probably get worked in hand to hand combat. Also, if he had his MK1 look he could FINALY use his sword from that game. I think everyone who likes Shang would want to see that, seeing as how it was originaly planned for use in MK1. What better way to create the nostalgia, than giving him that sword as his weapon?
Another move I'd really like to see return is his ground eruption from MK3. I dunno how it would work in 3D, but man, it could be freakin awesome! With the ground shaking and fire erupting, pretty intimidating imo...
But yeah, definitely like to see his morphing back, seeing as how it's his main ability. Despite the fact he was awesome in DA, without the morphs he was lacking that personal trait.
Oh, and lets have some screaming soul fireballs again too plz!
If he was an old man again (like in the Shaolin Monks render) he would have to use his morphing ability, cus old man Shang would probably get worked in hand to hand combat. Also, if he had his MK1 look he could FINALY use his sword from that game. I think everyone who likes Shang would want to see that, seeing as how it was originaly planned for use in MK1. What better way to create the nostalgia, than giving him that sword as his weapon?
Another move I'd really like to see return is his ground eruption from MK3. I dunno how it would work in 3D, but man, it could be freakin awesome! With the ground shaking and fire erupting, pretty intimidating imo...
But yeah, definitely like to see his morphing back, seeing as how it's his main ability. Despite the fact he was awesome in DA, without the morphs he was lacking that personal trait.
Oh, and lets have some screaming soul fireballs again too plz!
~Crow~ Wrote:
Perhaps an animation such as Dairou's teleport could work for him (not the actual teleport, the animation just before it happens). Something of that nature could cover the "morph" transition so we couldn't actually see it.
Perhaps an animation such as Dairou's teleport could work for him (not the actual teleport, the animation just before it happens). Something of that nature could cover the "morph" transition so we couldn't actually see it.
I think that could work. That would be a good idea. Maybe they can add some effects or something to it, to make it look good.

I always thought the effect in MK2 was pretty badass. the clothes sort of suck out of view and his faces warps. or they could do it like in the movie. his appearance "burns" away like ciggarettes on paper
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