Mortal Kombat Begins?
posted03/18/2005 03:56 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
08/08/2004 05:08 AM (UTC)
that they made mk kind of like the new batman movie batman begins.
make a game thats story is based before mk 1 like when shinnok and the elder gods went at it. think about it we would see khan before he was ruler, dragon king in his orgion form scorpion as a human, elder gods playable the creation of the realms, maybe Baphomet (lucifer) as a playable character or a sub boss wow so many ideas run though my head maybe not mk 7 but after as a side game not like MKSM an actual fighting game what do you guys think?confused (I would call this game)-> (MK EVOLUTION)
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03/17/2005 09:53 AM (UTC)
Cant be possible. Onaga hybernated in the egg for millenias, and Scorpion is only 42 years old according to his bio. Not to mention, even the great Kunbg Lao was young compared to say Kitana. BTW, a lot of charac-ters should be unborn at that time.

And personally I dont like the idea of a prelude MK.
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what ever happened to... um.. ChiefThunder?

03/18/2005 03:56 AM (UTC)
Scorp was specterized in 1990, dude
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