Mortal Kombat: King of Destiny... or something
Mortal Kombat X
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Mortal Kombat: King of Destiny... or something
posted03/07/2005 02:14 PM (UTC)by

Member Since
11/11/2004 12:57 AM (UTC)
in the beginning of the realms, the creator, the god of elder gods, made a machine for unknown reasons. this gargantuan machine is called time. eons upon eons later, one of the sole witnesses to the great machines creation has been banished to the netherrealm. he was betrayed by a sorcerrer after thousands of failed attempts to grasp more power. now he has none, save a few followers. but the chaos guild will change that. for their own reasons, they have brought Lord Shinnok back to power. as the one witness to the great machines construction, he alone knows how to control it. if he succeeds, all of his enemies shall cease to exist. every kombatant has chosen a side, and every kombatant will fight. some seek to stop Shinnok, some seek to use him as a weapon. all will kome. now it is not a race AGAINST time, but TO it.
-every kombatant from throughout MK history is playable with personal arenas
-an all new kreate-a-kombatant mode where you can design your own kombatant, choose your faction, moves, and fighting styles
-Shujinko isn't such a cheap ass
I'm thinking it should be called MK king of destiny, but that sounds a little wierd. ideas?
-every kombatant from throughout MK history is playable with personal arenas
-an all new kreate-a-kombatant mode where you can design your own kombatant, choose your faction, moves, and fighting styles
-Shujinko isn't such a cheap ass
I'm thinking it should be called MK king of destiny, but that sounds a little wierd. ideas?

in the next installment, many improvements to fighting styles and powers should be made. if a character shares a fighting style with another character, one will be more offensive than the other. for example, if Johnny and Lui have kung-fu, then Lui's will be more speed oriented and Johnny's will be more balanced (and slighty weaker and succeptible to counter attacks, because Lui learned his kung-fu from the temples, while JC's is handed down by american trainers). as for moves, to keep powerful moves from being done unlimited times, there should be limits. as in guns have a limited supply of bullets. how much ammo someone has for their powers is listed under their health bar. the point system also returns. you earn points for performing special moves, combos, using stage weapons, death traps, hurt traps, counter attacking, fatalities, and if you have a continue left and hara kiri, you retain your points. when you bat the game, your points earn you stuff like better endings or unlockables. here are some bios.
Sektor 2.0
Sektor 1.0
bio 1:
sub-mission accomplished. Japanese population automized. Japanese resistance force terminated. upgrades necessary. full automation advisable. 101001001010101001111. human bodies obsolete. upgrading...... Sektor 2.0 complete. human host. negative. human restraints. negative. 10101010100101100101010. test 25. target for termination: Sub-Zero. error. original human host obsolete? 50% probability. test 26. original host vs. Sektor 2.0.
bio 2:
with the entire population of Japan converted into Tekunin cyber ninjas, the entity once known as Sektor now IS Japan. his digital mind of binary code exists in everything electronic of the islands. he now seeks an upgrade and an upgrade he makes. hypothesyzing that human bodies are infidel and restraining, he makes a completely robotic prototype ninja. beings that this is only an expirament, he creates a test: he will send both, Sektor 2.0 and the original human host Sektor, to kill their nemesis Sub-Zero. if both survive, they will fight to the death. the victor will prove his hypotheses true or false. either way, humanity is threatened.
Sektor 1
costume 1: his original costume with slight adjustments such as the wrist launchers and jet packs.
costume 2: a battle damaged Sektor without a helmet reveals him to be a Japanese man with greying hair. his body armor is damaged and chipped in places. his armor is a darker shade of red.
Sektor 2
costume 1: closely resembling MaxDam's idea only with a claw-like left hand, a retracting opening on his right shoulder for his third arm, and jet packs (more futuristic looking than Sektor 1's)
costume 2: the red armor plates are gone revealing all of Sektor 2's mechanical inner workings. sparks shoot out of his joints every 30 seconds
can tag team with eachother, Cyrax, or Smoke
Sektor 1.0 moveset:
styles: Lin Kuei (offensive), Tori Naga, flame thrower (fuel x45)
*teleport uppercut: much like Johnny's shadow uppercut, only more virtical. nostalgic of his MK3 move. can link into combo by juggling or doing multiple times
*dive grab: Sektor dives out of the air and grabs the opponent. from there you can press up to dive up in the air and slam the opponent, or do a number of different combos or throws
*hover: Sektor uses his jet packs to hover in the air for a few seconds. the above two moves can bedone from this state, as can the flamethrower and rockets
rocket: shoots a straight missile. x6
power rocket: shoots a larger missile that pushes the opponent into the air, then explodes, causing more damage. x2
homing rocket: chases the opponent for 20 seconds. the opponent can outmaneuver it or destroy it with a projectile. x2
*all starred moves use jet pack fuel, which also feeds into flamethrower fuel*
flame thrower: (requires 15 fuel) reminiscent to his MKG fatality. he barbecues the opponent alive and they run around screaming until they collapse into a pile of charred bones.
explosive bear hug: (requires 2 missiles) Sektor bear hugs the opponent and shoots 3 missilles out of his chest, sending the opponents limbs across the arena
hara kiri: Sektor presses a button on his arm and a beep can be heard every 5 seconds. on the fifth beep there is quiet, then Sektor explodes. fire and shratnel flies everywhere
Sektor 2.0 moveset:
styles: computer, terminator (uses third arm), claw, can fly
tier drop: with a laser, Sektor cuts a hole in the floor and jumps down. cannot be done if there are no tiers below. can be done if a cliff type drop is in sweeping distance, he alternatively jumps off and uses his jet pack to guide himself down.
rocket: his claw retracts into his arm (megaman style) and he shoots a standard rocket. multiple rockets can be fired by tapping the button. x8
I'll edit in the rest, fatalities, and arena later.
Sektor 2.0
Sektor 1.0
bio 1:
sub-mission accomplished. Japanese population automized. Japanese resistance force terminated. upgrades necessary. full automation advisable. 101001001010101001111. human bodies obsolete. upgrading...... Sektor 2.0 complete. human host. negative. human restraints. negative. 10101010100101100101010. test 25. target for termination: Sub-Zero. error. original human host obsolete? 50% probability. test 26. original host vs. Sektor 2.0.
bio 2:
with the entire population of Japan converted into Tekunin cyber ninjas, the entity once known as Sektor now IS Japan. his digital mind of binary code exists in everything electronic of the islands. he now seeks an upgrade and an upgrade he makes. hypothesyzing that human bodies are infidel and restraining, he makes a completely robotic prototype ninja. beings that this is only an expirament, he creates a test: he will send both, Sektor 2.0 and the original human host Sektor, to kill their nemesis Sub-Zero. if both survive, they will fight to the death. the victor will prove his hypotheses true or false. either way, humanity is threatened.
Sektor 1
costume 1: his original costume with slight adjustments such as the wrist launchers and jet packs.
costume 2: a battle damaged Sektor without a helmet reveals him to be a Japanese man with greying hair. his body armor is damaged and chipped in places. his armor is a darker shade of red.
Sektor 2
costume 1: closely resembling MaxDam's idea only with a claw-like left hand, a retracting opening on his right shoulder for his third arm, and jet packs (more futuristic looking than Sektor 1's)
costume 2: the red armor plates are gone revealing all of Sektor 2's mechanical inner workings. sparks shoot out of his joints every 30 seconds
can tag team with eachother, Cyrax, or Smoke
Sektor 1.0 moveset:
styles: Lin Kuei (offensive), Tori Naga, flame thrower (fuel x45)
*teleport uppercut: much like Johnny's shadow uppercut, only more virtical. nostalgic of his MK3 move. can link into combo by juggling or doing multiple times
*dive grab: Sektor dives out of the air and grabs the opponent. from there you can press up to dive up in the air and slam the opponent, or do a number of different combos or throws
*hover: Sektor uses his jet packs to hover in the air for a few seconds. the above two moves can bedone from this state, as can the flamethrower and rockets
rocket: shoots a straight missile. x6
power rocket: shoots a larger missile that pushes the opponent into the air, then explodes, causing more damage. x2
homing rocket: chases the opponent for 20 seconds. the opponent can outmaneuver it or destroy it with a projectile. x2
*all starred moves use jet pack fuel, which also feeds into flamethrower fuel*
flame thrower: (requires 15 fuel) reminiscent to his MKG fatality. he barbecues the opponent alive and they run around screaming until they collapse into a pile of charred bones.
explosive bear hug: (requires 2 missiles) Sektor bear hugs the opponent and shoots 3 missilles out of his chest, sending the opponents limbs across the arena
hara kiri: Sektor presses a button on his arm and a beep can be heard every 5 seconds. on the fifth beep there is quiet, then Sektor explodes. fire and shratnel flies everywhere
Sektor 2.0 moveset:
styles: computer, terminator (uses third arm), claw, can fly
tier drop: with a laser, Sektor cuts a hole in the floor and jumps down. cannot be done if there are no tiers below. can be done if a cliff type drop is in sweeping distance, he alternatively jumps off and uses his jet pack to guide himself down.
rocket: his claw retracts into his arm (megaman style) and he shoots a standard rocket. multiple rockets can be fired by tapping the button. x8
I'll edit in the rest, fatalities, and arena later.
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