Mortal Kombat: Mythologies II
posted04/13/2005 08:29 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
10/25/2004 07:11 PM (UTC)
It would be really cool if they did a second Mythologies that continued at MK1, went through MKII, and went a little while after he was transfomred into Noob. It would be awesome as hell in 3D too, and could have better everything since that game. Also, if Shaolin Monks is good, they could use that engine. I know another Sub-Zero solo game would be awesome. Also, near the end, he should have to fight the real Sub-Zero, and watch Scorpion watch someone else be spared by Sub-Zero. That'd truly be awesome. Anyone agree?

P.S. I'm saying after MK7; it could be the next 'side' project.
04/13/2005 08:29 PM (UTC)
that would eb sweet but i highly doubt that theyll do another mythologies beacause the first one was a disaster
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