Multiple Kombat (3 on 1, etc) Put it in or no? And..could it be done?
posted04/24/2005 06:53 PM (UTC)by
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02/26/2003 05:35 AM (UTC)
The concept art for multiple kombat intrigues me. Two on one kombat, IMO, would be a very fun concept. Should the option be implemented? In single player games, it could act as a new type of endurance kombat. Online, it could give the people who say "I can take you all on" something to use to back up that claim. Perhaps it could be another mode instead of a slew of mini games.
(I know what some of you are thinking.. "two on one? heck, Midway can't even get ONE on ONE right! But let's assume the next engine kicks some serious tail and they get the mechanics down).
Another question is, if it were to be used, how would it be done? Would the camera angle have to shift to make room for the kombatants? How would order of attacks work (if a person attacks two kombatants locked in kombat, would he be able to attack at all, or would he have the risk of hitting his partner, etc)?
Just some questions I got....thoughts?
About Me


04/23/2005 08:11 PM (UTC)
i think this could work if the Shoalin Monks engine would be incorporated into this mode.
About Me

Gigateens and Demonstrays official site. Hey, the Gigateens part wasn't my idea of a good title either.

04/24/2005 06:53 PM (UTC)
Fuck yeah, I like that idea. Wicked!
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