No more platform advantages.
posted03/30/2005 11:51 AM (UTC)by
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03/11/2003 06:17 AM (UTC)
I think it's bullshit that I have to pay another $60 for a Gamecube Version of MKD. And I don't even care about Online gameplay on PS2. I think that in the future all MK's should be released equally. (Besides the limitations of systems) but none should have anything extra... OR if they must, then NOT NEW CHARACTERS! It's killing me! MK7, equal for all consoles, or don't release it on the oddball. (Nowadays it's Gamecube.)
No offense to GC owners, I'm a Cube Owner myself, but it DOES stand out from the other two, admit it.
03/29/2005 08:54 AM (UTC)
The new charictor aren't anything special. If you don't want to pay another $60 on a game you already have noone is forcing you. I myself own both and don't care about it.
03/29/2005 04:28 PM (UTC)
i rented it, and personally Goro and Shao suck big time balls, not worth the extra 60$. At least not for me cuz i really dont play the PS2 version anymore anyhow. But i do agree platform specific characters was a rip off.
03/30/2005 01:22 AM (UTC)
Sub_Zero_13 Wrote:
I think it's bullshit that I have to pay another $60 for a Gamecube Version of MKD. And I don't even care about Online gameplay on PS2. I think that in the future all MK's should be released equally. (Besides the limitations of systems) but none should have anything extra... OR if they must, then NOT NEW CHARACTERS! It's killing me! MK7, equal for all consoles, or don't release it on the oddball. (Nowadays it's Gamecube.)
No offense to GC owners, I'm a Cube Owner myself, but it DOES stand out from the other two, admit it.

Where was the outcry when it happened with MK in the past? Why would you care about two characters that are low ranked anyway? The game is still the same garbage it was on ps2 and xbox.
03/30/2005 11:51 AM (UTC)
The game is awesome. I didn't ask your opinion on the game, all I said was that in the future, all the platforms should get the same bonuses, or lack thereof.
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