Questions regarding Shang Tsung
posted11/30/2015 05:01 PM (UTC)by
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04/09/2006 01:52 AM (UTC)
I just recently watched all the endings for the first time since like may or july out of boredom. A few endings stuck out for me when trying to look for clues into the next plotline for the next game.

1. No mention of Onaga.

A lot of people assume the next plot will be a retelling of Deadly Alliance and Deception, but in no ending does it mention Onaga, the Dragon King. Typically, they always infer towards the next 'big threat' in someway in the endings (as they did with Shinnok, and as they did with Onaga in the original timeline). Additonally, Quan Chi is dead, if not resurrected by the Elder gods and bound to their will against Raiden.

But strangely enough, they made it a point to mention Shujinko, Taven and Daegon, and the One Being.

2. Ermac's ending and Shang Tsung's role in the next game.

Shang Tsung seems to resurrect himself somehow by luring Ermac and then consuming his souls. But what would be his motive and goals?

At this point in the Orignal Timeline, he was teaming up with Quan Chi to help ressurect the Dragon Kings army. Could he have been resurrected as well with Quan Chi, who was also done so by the elder gods, to help stop Raiden?

But I am more curious as to his next reference.

3. Mileena's Ending
Even tho she's my girl, I never cared for her ending after first hearing it. But then after rewatching, the last line captured my attention:

"As they plotted revenge on their enemies, the architect of the Mileena's awakening laughed quietly..."

If they are referring to Shang Tsung, what was his goal in creating such an army, and for what cause? Could it be while outworld and kotal kahn is occupied with Raiden and earthrealm's invasion, that Shang Tsung might take this opportunity to regain control of outworld with his army of clones? Could he possibly have plans to transfer their consciousness into another said 'undead army' in this new timeline and this was just a test run?

If it is indeed Shang Tsung, then both Mileena and Ermac's endings have connections with each other, which implies that there is some truth there. Not to mention that Shang Tsung's absence from MKX almost ensures his return in the next game.. Additonally, It seems that the new hero Cassie Cage also has some sort of vendetta against Shang Tsung as she earnestly sought out to defeat Shujinko, who she thought was Tsung. So that is 3 endings implying Shang Tsung as the next Big Bad.

So what i wonder is, what is going to be Shang Tsung's agenda in MKXI? And where will his presence fall in terms of Corrupted Raiden and Netherrealm Rulers Kitana and Kang?


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11/23/2015 12:19 AM (UTC)
To hatch elaborate plans like that, Shang would have foreseen Shao Kahn magically or physically executing him at some point; therefore he would have a reason to fear for his life, which would emboldened to him to sabotage the emperor's invasion or to make a meal of Ermac. Developing a private clone army and absorbing Ermac would have been set in motion before MKX. Shang Tsung was in charge of the Black Dragon negotiations, no one else would notice some "lost" shipments of guns or ammunition. It would be amusing to see Mileena clones armed with guns, after all they should be armed with a source of readily available weapons and Shang had access to Black Dragon merchandise when he was alive.
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11/23/2015 01:53 AM (UTC)
Aside from the fact it is an alternate time line I wouldn't count anything anything to play the same. For one it was 25 years after shaos invasion. That didn't happen,in the original. Shinn did his plan from MK4 only a few years after MK3. I for one don't want the same especially DA and D. Since Liu is king of Neatherrralm it's definitely a,new story. Onaga and the one being mentioned in comic and part of game,could factor in. Who knows.
11/23/2015 03:13 AM (UTC)
I don't know how much we should read into the arcade endings how many arcade endings from MK9 came true? How many of them even mentioned shinnok? I know he was seen in the story mode ending but I don't remember seeing shinnok in any of the arcade endings.

But I think Shang will definitely be back in The next MK and will Be a major player, in what way I don't know guess we will have wait another 3.5 years to find out!
11/23/2015 05:02 AM (UTC)
Write it on a piece of paper. Liu Kang and Shang Tsung will be the next Deadly Alliance.
Quan Chi isn't dead. Folks are pissed Scorpion killed him as he'd just reset in the Netherrealm.

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11/24/2015 10:15 AM (UTC)
Tetra_Vega Wrote:
Quan Chi isn't dead. Folks are pissed Scorpion killed him as he'd just reset in the Netherrealm.


Folks are pissed because they believed Quan Chi was necessary to restore the other revenants.

Quan Chi is dead. I don't get where some people get the idea that he would just reset in the Netherrealm. Is there any bio, ending, or other official reference that would suggest this? I think MKX made ik clear that resurrections require a certain effort by someone with the power to do this. And that power is restricted to very few 'entities'. The dialog during Scorpion's chapter in MKX suggests that he is dead. Nowhere is it implied that he might be back. Even Shinnok comments on it. If Quan Chi would 'reset', I think Shinnok would know.

My theory is that only the Elder Gods and the One Being have this power, but they can grant or teach it to other 'entities'. Former Elder Gods retain this power. Shinnok tought Quan Chi, the One Being tought Onaga.
- Raiden only demonstrated this power in Deception, after he had been an Elder God. He clearly can't do it himself in MK9, as he tells Scorpion he'll ask the Elder Gods to resurrect his clan and family.
- Sindel's resurrection in MK3 by Shang Tsung and his shadow priests was retconned in MK9. Quan Chi didn't exist at that time. But maybe it can be explained by Quan Chi being one of the shadow priests?
- Shang Tsung's resurrection in MKA was explained by having him being bound to Shao Kahn, so he couldn't actually be killed as long as that bond existed. In the new timeline, it was Shao Kahn who killed Shang Tsung, so I guess their bond is severed now?
But this is just my theory.

When they bring Quan Chi back, they'll have to think of something new to explain his return.
In DA, D, and A, iirc Scorpion, Drahmin, and Moloch were chasing/torturing Quan Chi, and he was trapped because he kept getting sent back to the Netherrealm everytime they "killed" him.

He's from the Netherrealm, and being evil, would be sent there when he "dies", which is why he couldn't escape them tormenting him.

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11/26/2015 06:30 PM (UTC)
In Deadly Alliance, Scorpion was turtoring Quan Chi, until Drahmin and Moloch came to Quan Chi's aid and helped him escape the Netherrealm. Quan Chi couldn't escape because he couldn't find a portal.

Quan Chi was tormented and brutalized by Scorpion, but he was never killed.
11/26/2015 10:09 PM (UTC)
If all these endings are connected, that means Jax dies.
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11/27/2015 03:48 PM (UTC)
I believe Shang Tsung will be either the main antagonist in the next game. Almost all endings point to that being a possibility. If not he'll still play a pivitol role in the story of the next game.
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11/28/2015 01:45 AM (UTC)
Yeah I think it is a safe bet that Shang Tsung is going to be in the next game.wink
11/28/2015 04:16 AM (UTC)
NapalmXiphias Wrote:
If all these endings are connected, that means Jax dies.

Hopefully this is true. Also Shang and Liu as the next deadly alliance would be pretty interesting
11/28/2015 05:34 AM (UTC)
I think Shang Tsung the Great Manipulator will be in the next game, playing the same role of Quan Chi he played in MK9, including leaving "winner" as Quan Chi came out MK9. I also believe that it will consume Ermac. But do not believe it will be the Final Boss, this position will be Raiden in its search to destroy the other Realms to protect Earthrealm. Including think we will have a Mortal Kombat to prevent Invasion Earth to Outworld.

Raiden on the capabilities of resurrection, they were smaller than Shinnok, Onaga and Quan Chi in the old timeline, since he only carried the body, not the soul as these three were. And I learned this skill to thousands of years.
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Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

11/30/2015 05:01 PM (UTC)
Based on the way so many of the non-canon endings are going, it seems like they are setting up Shang Tsung to be some sort of master manipulator. I admit it would be great to see him emerge as the major villain, no longer a lackey of some greater force. He had always seemed like he could have been a major player on his own, which he was in the first Mortal Kombat before the story and lore was expanded so drastically with MK2. He went from being a sinister grandmaster of a Shaolin Tournament to Shao Kahn's high ranking lackey. When given his chance in Deadly Alliance, he was second fiddle to Quan Chi.

I think it's time for Shang to shine on his own. And maybe since Quan Chi is "dead", the "Deadly Alliance" can be between Shang and someone else entirely. Maybe Havik? But i'd rather see him on his own.
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