Robot or Human or Both?
Mortal Kombat X
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Robot or Human or Both?
Listen all I've been hearing is ohh how cool would it be if scoprion became like a secktor, or rain had its own cyborg partner like n-s. I really dont think robots and cyborgs play a huge part in mortal kombat. I'm not saying that the cyborg robot characters should be exculded but im not saying that there should be a team and there shouldnt be such of huge hype over smoke and sector dont get me wrong there good but not really my top 10 players. I want to know where the people stand about this and I want to know how they feel about the hype of robot cyborg characters and in MK7 do you think that hype is still going to be there.
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sektor should be the only true robot.
Smoke is transforming into something far superior to a robot....more like A.I. only he still has a soul so he really isnt a full robot.
Cyrax also seemed to be breaking down into a more human form in DA.
I am not a big fan of robots or cybernetic beings whatever....i love the ninjas but that doesn't taint my views. They shouldnt pop in new robots simply because of fan requests. I think they are at the peak of robots and shouldnt add any more....sektor has his army hopefully, cyrax is with earths militia along with sonya and them and smoke is heading into his own story.....any more robots woulnt be relevant nor would it be required.
As far as turning ninjas into robots like reptile into a green robot, scorpion into a robot.......lmfao thats almost as dumb as the post about having TV's Angel as a MK character lol nuff said on that topic.
As as far as pairing up people like rain and sektor....sigh.... all i ask is why? what connection do they possibly have? Plus i think midway will end the pairing up with some sort of tag battle as an extra feature for two player mode.
Those are my thoughts...i can live with cyborgs as long as it doesnt get too carried away......the only think i could tolerate is a female robot if they wanted to add one but even she would need a kick ass story for everyone to accept her....besides that leave it at 3 and let it be.
Smoke is transforming into something far superior to a robot....more like A.I. only he still has a soul so he really isnt a full robot.
Cyrax also seemed to be breaking down into a more human form in DA.
I am not a big fan of robots or cybernetic beings whatever....i love the ninjas but that doesn't taint my views. They shouldnt pop in new robots simply because of fan requests. I think they are at the peak of robots and shouldnt add any more....sektor has his army hopefully, cyrax is with earths militia along with sonya and them and smoke is heading into his own story.....any more robots woulnt be relevant nor would it be required.
As far as turning ninjas into robots like reptile into a green robot, scorpion into a robot.......lmfao thats almost as dumb as the post about having TV's Angel as a MK character lol nuff said on that topic.
As as far as pairing up people like rain and sektor....sigh.... all i ask is why? what connection do they possibly have? Plus i think midway will end the pairing up with some sort of tag battle as an extra feature for two player mode.
Those are my thoughts...i can live with cyborgs as long as it doesnt get too carried away......the only think i could tolerate is a female robot if they wanted to add one but even she would need a kick ass story for everyone to accept her....besides that leave it at 3 and let it be.

Cyrax was terminated on assignment for the Outerworld Special Forces Agency, Sektor will return from Japan with the Tekunin, and Smoke will be left to rust by Noob Saibot, once his nanotechnology is drained to create cyborg demons.
These are my theories, anyway. Sorry if I have offended cyborg lovers, though you must admit their prime roles in Mortal Kombat are over... Besides Sektor. He's going to return with a vengeance!
These are my theories, anyway. Sorry if I have offended cyborg lovers, though you must admit their prime roles in Mortal Kombat are over... Besides Sektor. He's going to return with a vengeance!

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out of ninjas, cyborg thugs, evil ninja robots, martial artists, martial artists with sharp hats, princesses, bodyguards with more than 4 limbs, undead movie stars, native american shamans, evil emporrers, gods and secret service agents, you say Stryker didn't fit in MK3?
nothing says that Cyrax is dead. he helped Nitara, she sent him home. not one scrap of evidence contradicts that (exept Cyrax showing up in hell on konquest, but thats irrelavent)
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well if you ask me robot's haven't been my favorite char's except smoke he's cool :-p
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