Uncertain future about Red Dragon
posted09/29/2014 03:28 PM (UTC)by
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09/11/2014 11:13 PM (UTC)
Thanks to the Taven-Daegon thread I've been thinking about the Red Dragon clan: a seemingly bad ass group founded many years before the 10th Mortal Kombat tournament by Daegon. In the last 3D games the clan gained a lot of importance (not so much in Deception though), but then after looking MK2011/MKX you realize that:

- Hsu Hao will never appear again. NRS gave Kano his "traitor to SF" storyline and the cyber-heart implant or whatever that is.
- Mavado has been deconfirmed by Ed Boon himself for MKX.
- Daegon just made a cameo in the background of the Pit stage fighting Reiko/Frost/Sareena in MK2011, but if NRS wishes to avoid everything related to the Armageddon arc we may not see him again.

So... was the Red Dragon silently retconned out? Or will we see a whole new character from this clan that will take the leadership, perhaps by killing Daegon himself? What do you guys think?
09/25/2014 02:59 AM (UTC)
MK-Noob Wrote:
Thanks to the Taven-Daegon thread I've been thinking about the Red Dragon clan: a seemingly bad ass group founded many years before the 10th Mortal Kombat tournament by Daegon. In the last 3D games the clan gained a lot of importance (not so much in Deception though), but then after looking MK2011/MKX you realize that:

- Hsu Hao will never appear again. NRS gave Kano his "traitor to SF" storyline and the cyber-heart implant or whatever that is.
- Mavado has been deconfirmed by Ed Boon himself for MKX.
- Daegon just made a cameo in the background of the Pit stage fighting Reiko/Frost/Sareena in MK2011, but if NRS wishes to avoid everything related to the Armageddon arc we may not see him again.

So... was the Red Dragon silently retconned out? Or will we see a whole new character from this clan that will take the leadership, perhaps by killing Daegon himself? What do you guys think?

It'd be cool if there was at least one representative from the Red Dragon clan, but who knows. Old character or new character doesn't matter to me. I'm sure there will be a cameo by one or more of the old characters in story mode though.
09/25/2014 03:27 AM (UTC)
Let's be honest here, all of the Red Dragon members in the history of MK have been extremely lame. That may be my own opinion, but I'm sure the vast majority of both casuals and hardcore fans will agree.

The Red Dragon is best left forgotten. The leader of the organization was a lame character who stole one of the best characters (Kabal) weapons to look cool. That should explain much.

The only redemption would be to introduce a new character from the Red Dragon, who is unique in every aspect. I wouldn't even mind if it was a female to be honest, that would actually be pretty interesting.
09/25/2014 03:28 AM (UTC)
Mavado was never the leader. Even when he was introduced in Deadly Alliance, it was as just another agent, one that outranked Hsu Hao and could give him orders, but not somebody special.
Anyway, personally I like Daegon as a character, I like the concept of the Red Dragon gang even though the other members sucked, and I think that Daegon's MK9 cameo is proof that the developers aren't going to retcon out, forget, or ignore him in future games like they are Hsu Hao, Drahmin, and others.
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09/25/2014 05:56 AM (UTC)
Mavado and Hsu Hao are among the better characters after the creative nadir that was MK3.

THe whole taven/Daegon timeline should be dropped, Darrius should be moved inside it's ranks as was originally intended and we have a deal. I am not happy that Hsu Hao is omitted while 'garbage' like Reiko, Rain and Jarek are considered.
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09/25/2014 06:24 AM (UTC)
Give it to Kira!

'Who runs the world? Girls!' - Queen Bey edit: i thought it said black dragon.. oh well still give the red to Kira!
"Anyway, personally I like Daegon as a character, I like the concept of the Red Dragon gang even though the other members sucked, and I think that Daegon's MK9 cameo is proof that the developers aren't going to retcon out, forget, or ignore him in future games like they are Hsu Hao, Drahmin, and others."

I agree with RazorsEdge701 despite not liking Daegon. I liked the Red Dragon way back in DA. I liked the idea of a new Dragon clan hunting down the old clan but in actuality the Black Dragon was the splinter group instead? Loved it. I think it was a breath of fresh air.

The only problem was Mavado wasn't very good and neither was Hsu Hao. I didnt like Daegon and the revealed Red Dragon Clan and their motives in Shaolin Monks/MK7 Konquest were a huge letdown for me.

Still if Shinnok wants to take over, Daegon and his men are good pawns to use. I would just hope we get a new member that is as good as the new characters we have now. Or you could just retool Daegon with a Greek\Kratos moveset..I guess.

Chrome Wrote:
The whole taven/Daegon timeline should be dropped, Darrius should be moved inside it's ranks as was originally intended and we have a deal.

I'd kinda like that but he'd need to have a great moveset and personality. However Darrius is still a silly name for him. He sounds less like a threat and more like a pornstar.
09/25/2014 11:50 AM (UTC)
I am not happy that Hsu Hao is omitted while 'garbage' like Reiko, Rain and Jarek are considered.

Exactly this. Whats so special about jarek anyway? Its pretty much kano without the laser eye.

09/25/2014 03:20 PM (UTC)
Mavado was amazing and cool but people are dumb and have bad opinions and Ed likes to listen to those people for some reason so no fun allowed

09/25/2014 07:12 PM (UTC)
I was under the impression that Daegon founded the Red Dragon thousands of years ago and the organization was around in the time of the Egyptians, Sumerians, Babylonians and other great civilizations that arose in ancient times with mystical folklore surrounding them.

When Daegon and Taven were hidden Shinnok was still an Elder God and Shao Kahn had not conquered Edenia. That's at least 10.000 years into the past if not more (although Shinnok probably exagerates the "eons long entrapment in the Netherealm"). Daegon could have awoken somewhere close to that period and killed his parents, which enabled Shao Kahn to conquer the realm. Don't know what happened then, but he enslaved his dragon and went to Earthrealm where he secretly had a hand in the entire build-up of the human civilization in the last thousands years.
09/25/2014 08:41 PM (UTC)
I wouldn't mind seeing Daegon and Mavado again. I mean they weren't bad characters, just not too many people seemed to enjoy the newer characters after Mortal Kombat 4.

I definitely would like to see something more come out of this group, but I just have a feeling that we won't, even despite that Daegon made a cameo.
09/29/2014 03:28 PM (UTC)
(My theory) The Red Dragon coalition fallout and are weakened because the original members all have separate objectives. Subsequently, it spirals out of control further due to novice apprentices taking it upon themselves to abandon the rules of the Red Dragon's honour.
03/01/2022 10:54 AM (UTC)Edited 03/01/2022 10:59 AM (UTC)

Makes me think if ReDRagon (from AEW) are lifelike members of the fictitious Red Dragon, as both fight and have ties with Japan.

Good motion picture too.

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