Using digitalized characters in 3D MK
Mortal Kombat X
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Using digitalized characters in 3D MK
Hi everyone
I was just wandering why the developpers of the mk games had dropped the idea of filming and digitalizing characters (like in the three first games), cause I think the success of the mortal kombat original game was due mainly (entirely?) to the "real" looking characters and to the bloody moves and fatalities...
moreover, with the power of the modern consoles,we could have a fighting game with filmed characters and entirely in 3D...I think it will blow all away,
I mean, even if "mortal kombat deception" is a great fighting game, that serie has a bit lost his identity by taking the same road than the other fighting games.
Do Mr Boon and his team go back to their roots? it would be great... (or maybe there is a good reason for which they decided to give up forever the filmed characters, I don't know....)
sorry for that elementary english but my mother tongue is french so....
I was just wandering why the developpers of the mk games had dropped the idea of filming and digitalizing characters (like in the three first games), cause I think the success of the mortal kombat original game was due mainly (entirely?) to the "real" looking characters and to the bloody moves and fatalities...
moreover, with the power of the modern consoles,we could have a fighting game with filmed characters and entirely in 3D...I think it will blow all away,
I mean, even if "mortal kombat deception" is a great fighting game, that serie has a bit lost his identity by taking the same road than the other fighting games.
Do Mr Boon and his team go back to their roots? it would be great... (or maybe there is a good reason for which they decided to give up forever the filmed characters, I don't know....)
sorry for that elementary english but my mother tongue is french so....
Well, the use of digitized actors was definitely a big plus for the first Mortal Kombat. I also think it played a big role on its success, but not entirely. Im guessing the violence, gameplay (back then), and the story play a bigger role.
Hmmm, I dont think Midway will go back to the old days, but if they ever do, I hope they know what they are doing. It might look amazing to fight with real people....but it all depends on how they look.
Hmmm, I dont think Midway will go back to the old days, but if they ever do, I hope they know what they are doing. It might look amazing to fight with real people....but it all depends on how they look.
NMnafa Wrote:
Hi everyone
I was just wandering why the developpers of the mk games had dropped the idea of filming and digitalizing characters (like in the three first games), cause I think the success of the mortal kombat original game was due mainly (entirely?) to the "real" looking characters and to the bloody moves and fatalities...
moreover, with the power of the modern consoles,we could have a fighting game with filmed characters and entirely in 3D...I think it will blow all away,
I mean, even if "mortal kombat deception" is a great fighting game, that serie has a bit lost his identity by taking the same road than the other fighting games.
Do Mr Boon and his team go back to their roots? it would be great... (or maybe there is a good reason for which they decided to give up forever the filmed characters, I don't know....)
sorry for that elementary english but my mother tongue is french so....
Hi everyone
I was just wandering why the developpers of the mk games had dropped the idea of filming and digitalizing characters (like in the three first games), cause I think the success of the mortal kombat original game was due mainly (entirely?) to the "real" looking characters and to the bloody moves and fatalities...
moreover, with the power of the modern consoles,we could have a fighting game with filmed characters and entirely in 3D...I think it will blow all away,
I mean, even if "mortal kombat deception" is a great fighting game, that serie has a bit lost his identity by taking the same road than the other fighting games.
Do Mr Boon and his team go back to their roots? it would be great... (or maybe there is a good reason for which they decided to give up forever the filmed characters, I don't know....)
sorry for that elementary english but my mother tongue is french so....
I think you're exactly right. Many people, including myself, were drawn into the game because of the digitalized actors. I mean, back then having digitalized characters meant very good graphics (compare classic MKs with the Street Fighters). I think digitalized characters adds more realism to the game. I think a lot of the characters looked A LOT better when they
were digitalized. IMO
If I'm not mistaken, the reason why digitized actors aren't used for MK games anymore is because the movement stuff is easier to do without the use of them.
digitized characters they same way they used to be, but in 3D = literally impossible.
It's like asking a scientist to genetically engineer a two dimentional apple.
It's like asking a scientist to genetically engineer a two dimentional apple.

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Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
If I'm not mistaken, the reason why digitized actors aren't used for MK games anymore is because the movement stuff is easier to do without the use of them.
If I'm not mistaken, the reason why digitized actors aren't used for MK games anymore is because the movement stuff is easier to do without the use of them.
Let me also point out that in the 3D MK games, the developers also have more freedom with the characters' costumes and movements at the same time.
Two prime examples in the MK series are Kabal and Shao Kahn (I'm not sure if Raiden was originally intended to have a cape in the 2D games). On a few concept arts for Kabal, it had Kabal wearing a trenchcoat and some backpack, and on Shao Kahn's official MK3 artwork, it had him wearing a cape. Since during those days they were still digitizing, Kahn's cape and Kabal's trenchcoat and backpack had to go bye-bye, because those got in the way of characters' movements. Fastforward all the way to MKD, and we have the use of Motion Capture replacing digitizing, as well as Kabal in his originally-intended outfit, and Shao Kahn in his cape, with no interference of movement. Even M. Bison/Vega had no obstructed movement when fighting in his cape, and that was a 2D game (only because the Street Fighter graphics were hand-drawn instead of digitized).
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