Weapons in MK7
posted04/04/2005 11:02 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
10/26/2003 04:45 AM (UTC)
I felt that some of the weapons in DA and Deception were pretty weak, although i did like some of the selections, not all of them fit well with that character, much like the hand to hand styles. What are some weapons that you would like to either see in MK7 or given to certain characters. Or do you have any improvments to the weapon fighting system.

Personally i think a style of weapon fighting like in Soul Caliber should be implemented (please you SC bashers dont start with all you need to do is button mash i dont want to start a war and ruin a thread, so spare us). That being said, i thought the effort put into not only the weapon fighting but the fighting engine in general wasnt there. Also to many swords there needs to be a differential in weapons, well thats my rant so what do you guys think
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what ever happened to... um.. ChiefThunder?

03/30/2005 03:43 AM (UTC)
not soul caliber. Mdway has enough problems with being called "ripper-offers"

PS- Ivy is hot and has really nice juggums
03/30/2005 05:02 AM (UTC)
Kano_rulz Wrote:
not soul caliber. Mdway has enough problems with being called "ripper-offers"

PS- Ivy is hot and has really nice juggums

Indeed, her juggums are fantastic. But i didnt really mean exactly like Soul Caliber, just somewhat like it with an MK spin, really soul caliber has the best engine for a weapon based fighter, imo. But would you at least agree that MK's engine needs yet another overhaul.
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what ever happened to... um.. ChiefThunder?

03/30/2005 06:04 AM (UTC)
overhaul, yes. but I personally don't think Soul Caliber engine style would fit MK. MK is supposed to be fast-paced and SC is sorta clunky. I've never actually played MKDA or MKD, so I can't give an opinion on the current engine, but from what I've read, I like the combos. SC is more 'hold forward and mash x' while MKDA's styles (from what I see) require alot more hand-eye-coordination (ie talent)

PS- I rock with Raphael and Voldo
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03/30/2005 09:42 AM (UTC)
MK requires good weapons not simple swords: how about moon/duck axes, yari spears, melon hammers, coin blades, firewheels...????
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what ever happened to... um.. ChiefThunder?

03/30/2005 08:07 PM (UTC)
....I'm sure Midway would put those if they knew what the hell they are. what in Bob's name are these mankiri chains you keep blabbing about for Lui?
03/30/2005 10:33 PM (UTC)
Here's a suggestipon about weapons. Now I know that there are a few Soul Calibur Haters here. I think MK is THE BEST too. But what I liked about SC is that when two opponents attack at the same time, the weapons clashed and canceled out the attack. That would be cool in MK, instead of the fastest hit wins type of thing, you know?
04/03/2005 01:23 AM (UTC)
Some of the weapons I'd want to see in MK7/Future MK games:

Saw Fish Sword



Skull Mace



Military Fork


Tiger Fork

Monks Spade

Double Axes

Twin Melon Hammers

Emi Piercers

Chinese Whip Chain

Yuan Yang Razors

Heaven And Earth Blade

Mandarin Coin Blades

Deer Antler Knives

Wind And Fire Wheels

Nine Teeth Hooks



Volkoth Battle Sword

Octagon Hammers

Unicorn's Horn Swords

Snake Sword

Dragon Long Sword

War Club

Black Anubis Sword

Scimitar Slayer

Lightning Sai

Scorpion Blade

There's dozens of other weapons I'd also want to see, but these are some that I hope to see in the next/future MK's.
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04/03/2005 11:22 AM (UTC)
2 questions:

1. How does the Baelin work?
2. Where can I get a snake sword? tongue
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04/03/2005 11:35 AM (UTC)
Those are good examples, but after the skull mace the weapons change only for decorative reasons. Thedragon sword BTW has no chance against armor.
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Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
04/03/2005 05:50 PM (UTC)
Dark_No0b, those weapons looks awesome! I would love to see some of those in MK7 or another MK game. I think some of them would be more fitting as stage weapons as they'd just look odd and some of the MK characters.
04/03/2005 06:48 PM (UTC)
i want

04/03/2005 11:47 PM (UTC)
li-mei-fan Wrote:
i want


There's already sai's. How could you not know this if your name is Li Mei Fan, she used them.

Anyhow, id like to see something other that swords and staffs as well, a variety of different weapons, maybe even some that people wouldent consider weapons like Prayer Beads or something.
04/04/2005 02:27 AM (UTC)
I think they should have wide varriety of weapons many of noobs suggestions but if you want you could shut weapons off all to geather
04/04/2005 09:24 AM (UTC)

How does the Baelin work?

Basically, it's a bit like a claw, I suppose. There's a small story about it as well... though I am not aware were it comes from. Basically, a 'Baelin' is an evil, dragon-like creature with razor sharp fangs. Killing a Baelin will cause many knights to remove the fangs and forge them into weapons. This particular weapon itself is called, "The Fang of Baelin". From what I can gather, one should hold it in the mid section and fight with it as if it were a claw of some sort. I've seen a few different designs where a third, smaller blade is in the center as well. One must note that only the insides of this weapon are sharpened... then again, that could be a safety procedure used by the producing company.

In reality, it's a fantasy weapon. Then again, this is Mortal Kombat... weapons do not necesserily need to be 'real' to be used. The perfect example of this would be Sub-Zero or Frost, with ice based weapons. Also, Scorpion with his flame-edged ninja sword or Reptile's Kirehashi.

Anyhow, I think there should be a good mix of these fantasy weapons along with some more traditional wepaons. I don't think Mortal Kombat: Deception portrays this very well, due to the fact of so many similar weapons and so few weapons unique to the characters themselves. In fact, I am now going to take a look at character weapons and see how many are 'unique' enough for the character at hand:


Shang Tsung: Straight Sword

Well, I realize Shang has the whole Shaolin trio going on in MK:DA, and with good reason considering how he has mastered so many styles (taking souls). Anyhow, I wasn't really disappointed with it, only that so many others had a sword as well.

Recommendations: Personally, I'd like to see something more sinister... something that could identify with Shang's evil personality. A Snake Sword wouldn't be a bad example of this. It keeps an oriental feel while giving a bit more character to the weapon and character.

How it's Unique for Shang Tsung: Shang's main style is Snake, and he also had an animality where he turned into a snake. He also used a Fire Snake attack against Raiden in the MK:D intro. The theme seems to be Snake here, and they should incorparate this into the blade.


Quan Chi: Double Broadswords

Well... I must say, I wasn't too happy with this selection. It clearly states that Quan is not a true master of martial arts, yet he is able to wield two swords at once? A bit hard to believe, in my opinion. Unlike his counterpart, Quan Chi's sorcerery is much more influenced by the dark arts, thus he should have a much more 'mystical weapon'.

Recommendations: If you have never seen the concepts of Quan Chi's "Living Weapon", you should definitely dust off MK:DA and pay the Krypt a visit (or Kontent if you have purchased it). Anyhow, the gist of it is there is a head on a pole which Quan Chi wields in an unknown fashion. There was a rumour it was supposedly Shinnok's head, but I feel that is an absurdly stupid idea and should never be considered again. However, a random oni/demon head would be nice... perhaps the head could even belong to a powerful demon, but not a character already introduced in the games. It could spit flies and basically looked like Drahmin's face; obviously it was the idea for his entire concept.

How it's Unique for Quan Chi: As stated, martial art is not his main form of self defense, so why should his weapon be martial arts related? It would be interesting to see a weapon with it's own set of projectiles as well, possibly possessing some sort of stun move as well. Of course, it would need to be used to strike with as well, so a blade could be attached to the bottom.


Havik: Morningstar

Awful. I did not like this weapon at all... it simply doesn't look right for Havik in my opinion. Havik's concept is all about chaos, and while the Morningstar is quite capable of being that, I don't feel MK: Deception handled the weapon well at all (the style contained the annoying one-handed punches shared by God knows how many characters and also features the annoying one-handed pose).

Recommendations: For Havik, the choice is narrow... at least in terms of existing weaponry. However, I feel a War Club (used with TWO hands) of some sort would work nicely for him. He seems like the type of character who would enjoy pounding away relentlessly and be less focused on making it look pretty. However, it should be character specific... as I said before. Here's a few examples on how to do this:

One of Chaosrealm's main themes is things being out of proportion... let's include this here in the weapon. This will be no ordinary club, but rather something unique and appropriate for someone who hates conformity. Four longer spikes should protrude from the ends of it, all in opposite directions, but curving outward like hooks. This would give the Club range to develop a poking game. It could possibly snag and pull the victim forward a bit for some abuse up close. In fact, none of the spikes on the club should simply be uniform... all should be deformed or managled, perhaps even missing.

How it's Unique for Havik: Well duh, he's a Cleric of Chaos and shouldn't be using something from Earthrealm like the Morningstar.


I'll add more things later, if requested... perhaps even if not.
04/04/2005 10:08 AM (UTC)
The Snake Sword for Shang Tsung and the Living Staff for Quan Chi would be great ideas. I was thinking of that myself. The Skull Mace looks kind of like an interesting fit for Quan Chi as well, imo.

As for the Morning Star, I felt it fit him and some of the moves were brutal and chaotic like. It's just that some moves need to be taken out of that style like the finger jabs.
04/04/2005 11:02 AM (UTC)
Hey guys i think the weapons in mk7 should be based on a test your might round,so the harder it is to break something the better weapon you get,and you also get to keep that weapon till you upgrade on test your might,or if you beat a fighter you can take his weapon and build up your arsenal where you decide which weapon you will take into the fight because you could also lose your weapon to if you lose...........what ya think
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