What characters are confirmed for Mortal Kombat 7?
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What characters are confirmed for Mortal Kombat 7?
posted03/07/2005 01:20 PM (UTC)by

What characters are confirmed for MK7?

Chrome Wrote:
We can say that Scorpion otr Sub-Zero will make it in there, should one of them (Sub-Zero) dies in MKD.
We can say that Scorpion otr Sub-Zero will make it in there, should one of them (Sub-Zero) dies in MKD.
We don't know that Sub-Zero dies, a few endings endicate that he may. But this is the way I see it; there's like 4 endings in which he may die. Four! That's like an all time record. But every story that points to something that seems like it will obviously happen, turns around and what ever that thing is, the exact opposite happens.
Sub-Zero will live, Hotaru, Noob, and the Tarkatans will die.
HAHA sub-zero doesnt die in Mortal Kombat Deception , In one of them It said that he was outnumbered by a lot of tarkatan members and as he accepted defeat his enchanted armor gave him strength to defeat all the tarkatan monsters and continue on living....I think The Noob Saibot Ending For Sub-Zero Getting Killed By Noob is just a teaser...so it was Shujinkos ending but look what happened next if ya take a look at raidens...and so as well as scorpion...scorpion ending said he killed Dragon King but Shujinkos Says He Defeated Dragon King not scorpion as wells as Raiden ending saying Shujinko killed dragon King...So I made My Point I dont THink Sub--Zero Will die.....I mean Sub-Zero and Scorpion are the OG's of Mortal Kombat....people wouldnt buy mortal kombat if it wasnt for them...thats me i guess

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even if sub dies in mkd sub zero is a title
not a person
the grand master of the lin is called sub zero for his mastery over cold
not a person
the grand master of the lin is called sub zero for his mastery over cold

Your talking about the Gamecube version of Deceptiion.
Anyway, I know that Scorpion and Sub-Zero will be in it. Since I heard Ed Boon has said "There will be no MK game without these two as long as I'm doing them."
Anyway, I know that Scorpion and Sub-Zero will be in it. Since I heard Ed Boon has said "There will be no MK game without these two as long as I'm doing them."
Goro and Shao Khan would be like in MK trilogy, with no real story explanation I suppose. Or if I am false, they will get the "ressurected"
idea. At least the DRagon Heart has a decent explanation for "comebacks".
Oh, no, too many endings indicate that Hotaru (Hot Taru) dies. What now?
idea. At least the DRagon Heart has a decent explanation for "comebacks".
Oh, no, too many endings indicate that Hotaru (Hot Taru) dies. What now?

I don't know any that are confirmed but they darn better have Scorpion and Sub-Zero.
There the reason i like Mortal Kombat i will buy the game still if they don't have those two but i will be very disapointed with it, so they better have Scorpion and Sub-Zero on board again.
Scorpion- "GET OVER HERE"
There the reason i like Mortal Kombat i will buy the game still if they don't have those two but i will be very disapointed with it, so they better have Scorpion and Sub-Zero on board again.
Scorpion- "GET OVER HERE"
Toxik Wrote:
Well... in MK World "death" is basically a "break" sometimes. They don't die forever. See... Goro & SK are back in the GC version of MKD.
Well... in MK World "death" is basically a "break" sometimes. They don't die forever. See... Goro & SK are back in the GC version of MKD.
and that's what I like..........except that Goro and Shao Khan are returning in GC version of MKD.
Actually we should not bump threads.
Again, what characters are in for MK7? Subbie and Scorp should be in it right closely. Seeing how the story turns up, I think there will be a larger part for Scorpion to play. After he traced down Onaga in the nexus, after Shujinko have beaten his physical form, he took down those material guards he had left, and banished the DK for good. Meanwhile Nightwolf binded the dead Onaga to his symbol.
Shujinko dies maybe. I hope not. He had such potential (forget the idiot who was in Konquest) and I surely wish for his redesign. here are things that bug me about this: first, didn't Midway have a good martial arts advi-sor? They could have given Shujinko Pak Mei (White Eyebrow) style instead reusing Kung Lao. Not to mention if he copies the strenghts of others, why could he not simply clone one style of his opponent?
I hope they bring back Reptile. An assassinish outfit with a lizard like body would fit him well. Keep the tail. His story got more and more interesting.
I think they will back away from NIghtwolf and Sindel again. Why? Becouse they are only partially important. She rescued Kitana, ok, but she has to go back rule her world. Jade alsio, since there would be no sense to have two almost equal characters like jade and Kitana in the same time.
Don't get me wrong, but they basicly fill the same posts.
Either Mileena or Baraka is killed off for good. I dunno, but Midway said that one classic character will remain forever dead. Considering that Sub-Zero is the trademark that sells the MK games alongside with Scorpion, the two are left for us to choose. I think it was Mileena.
Again, what characters are in for MK7? Subbie and Scorp should be in it right closely. Seeing how the story turns up, I think there will be a larger part for Scorpion to play. After he traced down Onaga in the nexus, after Shujinko have beaten his physical form, he took down those material guards he had left, and banished the DK for good. Meanwhile Nightwolf binded the dead Onaga to his symbol.
Shujinko dies maybe. I hope not. He had such potential (forget the idiot who was in Konquest) and I surely wish for his redesign. here are things that bug me about this: first, didn't Midway have a good martial arts advi-sor? They could have given Shujinko Pak Mei (White Eyebrow) style instead reusing Kung Lao. Not to mention if he copies the strenghts of others, why could he not simply clone one style of his opponent?
I hope they bring back Reptile. An assassinish outfit with a lizard like body would fit him well. Keep the tail. His story got more and more interesting.
I think they will back away from NIghtwolf and Sindel again. Why? Becouse they are only partially important. She rescued Kitana, ok, but she has to go back rule her world. Jade alsio, since there would be no sense to have two almost equal characters like jade and Kitana in the same time.
Don't get me wrong, but they basicly fill the same posts.
Either Mileena or Baraka is killed off for good. I dunno, but Midway said that one classic character will remain forever dead. Considering that Sub-Zero is the trademark that sells the MK games alongside with Scorpion, the two are left for us to choose. I think it was Mileena.

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<IMG SRC="http://www.angelfire.com/ny5/mpoppa/images/SU.txt"<
Clockwork-Orange Wrote:
even if sub dies in mkd sub zero is a title
not a person
the grand master of the lin is called sub zero for his mastery over cold
even if sub dies in mkd sub zero is a title
not a person
the grand master of the lin is called sub zero for his mastery over cold
Sub-Zero is a family name. The Lin Kuei is NOT a clan of Ice ninjas. Sub-Zero's bloodline is the only ones who have mastery over the cold., as well as any other cryomancers that may still exist.
These are the Characters that are confirmed:
Sonic the Hedgehog
Tails the Fox
Knuckles the Echidna
Dr. Robotnic

Sonic the Hedgehog
Tails the Fox
Knuckles the Echidna
Dr. Robotnic

You forget the return of Stryker & the MKD Super Fighter (sorry, I forgot the name of the boxer that appears in the Shang_Heihachi's sign
) and the debut of the monkey Ape 

Dark Raiden must make an appearance, if not as a sub-boss then as a playable character or at least a plot element. His Ending must not take place, since Shujinko was killed and I doubt that would happen. The obvious exclusion of Dark Raiden in the Endings must mean he will return, as is often the Mortal Kombat style. Liu Kang would return to stand against the malicious Thunder God (quoting previous threads, possibly alongside Fujin?), with the regular favorites Scorpion and Sub-Zero for certain. Reptile is another original ninja that may or may not come back, depending on whether he returned to Zaterra or not. The likelyhood of Reptile becoming more like a lizard since Deadly Alliance is a long shot, meaning he may return as more or exactly like his classic human form. The fusion with Onaga could have even changed him somehow. Shujinko is a probable returner, unless he has been degraded to a wheelchair! If he doesn't return with the Special techniques he learned in Deception, I would be frigging annoyed. I hate it when sequels reject techniques or anything else you acquire or learn in the prequel, leaving the character undeveloped as if they gained memory loss. Li Mei can begin her evil sequence, returning from the failure of defending the Dragon King against her former allies. She would probably team-up with Tanya or Shao Kahn, since she has a taste for ugly rulers. Hopefully Shinnok will make a long-awaited and triumphant return to re-claim his Amulet and destroy those who opposed him, but I sincerely hope Stryker stays well away from the spotlight. As mentioned prior, without even a title I doubt characters have even been thought of. Keep watching for updates though. 
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