what do u want
Mortal Kombat X
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what do u want
posted03/10/2005 02:22 PM (UTC)byMember Since
02/23/2005 02:08 AM (UTC)
I know there is a lot of talk on how many faults recent MK games have so I wanna know what people want. I know I wanna see Movado vs. Kabal and Liu vs. Shao or Raiden. How bout you? What do you want Ed to improve on? Any new added fighting styles? Any new characters or old returning ones? Any conclusions you would finally like to see? Any characters you wanna see get permanently killed? Let's see what we could come up with.
Shinnok, but nobody really dies in MK......
Yeah I know about that spoiler, I saw the interview with Joh Vogel but I'm just saying if they actually would kill one off permanently.
Some random stuff I'd like to see:
- Sareena to be in a game. She has like eight storylines waiting for her.
- Speaking of which, she should be good/neutral. IIMO, making her evil would just waste her potential.
- A single-player exhibition mode where you pick your fighter, pick your opponent and just have a match against the CPU.
- Again speaking of which, I'd like the CPU to be improved. Or maybe it's just the fighting system. Either way or both, something needs to be improved upon.
- Shujinko to die and never come back.
- Kintaro and Reiko to get second chances. Maybe Rain, too.Wouldn't mind seeing Kia return as well.
- Undo undoing Scorpion's MK2 ending. He was better as Sub-Zero's guardian and taking that away ruins his story.
- Stop retconning the backstory. It's fine as is.
- Kitana and Mileena to stick around. They still have a lot of potential. Although Mileena should eventually move on from her feud with Kitana.
- Ermac to stick around too. I see him becoming one of the main heroes.
- Like to see Jade and Tanya's feud be developed. Think it has potential.
- Shao Kahn to stay playable. He's had his time as the boss and I like him trying to regain his power.
That's all I can think of for now.
- Sareena to be in a game. She has like eight storylines waiting for her.
- Speaking of which, she should be good/neutral. IIMO, making her evil would just waste her potential.
- A single-player exhibition mode where you pick your fighter, pick your opponent and just have a match against the CPU.
- Again speaking of which, I'd like the CPU to be improved. Or maybe it's just the fighting system. Either way or both, something needs to be improved upon.
- Shujinko to die and never come back.
- Kintaro and Reiko to get second chances. Maybe Rain, too.Wouldn't mind seeing Kia return as well.
- Undo undoing Scorpion's MK2 ending. He was better as Sub-Zero's guardian and taking that away ruins his story.
- Stop retconning the backstory. It's fine as is.
- Kitana and Mileena to stick around. They still have a lot of potential. Although Mileena should eventually move on from her feud with Kitana.
- Ermac to stick around too. I see him becoming one of the main heroes.
- Like to see Jade and Tanya's feud be developed. Think it has potential.
- Shao Kahn to stay playable. He's had his time as the boss and I like him trying to regain his power.
That's all I can think of for now.

About Me
When Mortal Kombat Deception for the Gamecube comes out in England, wake me up
-Sektor to make a triumphant return, along with Kintaro, Fujin, Rain, Sareena and possibly Kia and Khameleon (if Onaga returns and therefore Reptile cannot)
-Confirmed dead characters to stay dead
-Stop retconning the backstory. It just makes things confusing.
-Noob and Smoke to be separate
-Smoke to go back to Human Smoke (Or at least humanoid)
-Make the fighting styles more realistic
-Fatalities that make your stomach turn
-Shujinko to die and never come back
That's all for now
-Confirmed dead characters to stay dead
-Stop retconning the backstory. It just makes things confusing.
-Noob and Smoke to be separate
-Smoke to go back to Human Smoke (Or at least humanoid)
-Make the fighting styles more realistic
-Fatalities that make your stomach turn
-Shujinko to die and never come back
That's all for now
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