Which Do U Want In MK7 To Kome Back
Mortal Kombat X
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Which Do U Want In MK7 To Kome Back
posted01/21/2005 09:42 PM (UTC)by

Shinnok,rain,reptile,motaro,kintaro,kai,and stryker
and Fujin,Jarek,Reiko,Rain,Reptile,Moloch,Kitana And Jax?
and Fujin,Jarek,Reiko,Rain,Reptile,Moloch,Kitana And Jax?

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anybody but bo rai cho, stryker, and anybody from mk4.
lets see youve forgotten about Sareena, Sektor, and fujin, .....characters that will definetly come back in MK7
I'd love to see Shao Kahn, Kintaro, Kano, and Shang Tsung (with morphing) return in MK 7.

About Me
Death, is only the beginning....
I would like to see :
Scorpion, but they could try to bring something new to the character.
Fujin, I liked they guy in mk4.
Noob saibot, the empobyment of darkness :).
Sektor, I found him the coolest cyber ninja...
Rain, This guy has potential.
Scorpion, but they could try to bring something new to the character.
Fujin, I liked they guy in mk4.
Noob saibot, the empobyment of darkness :).
Sektor, I found him the coolest cyber ninja...
Rain, This guy has potential.
I would prefer Sektor cuz he was one of the best cyber-ninjas, but better than cyrax.
About Me
ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER...................
SHUJINKO and no DUMB characters like daiou ,darius,ashrah,kobra,and dead bodyes..............
I would like to see Reptile. I also want to know what people think of a Mortal Kombat game that would feature all the characters in the history of the games. Anyone who has not been brought in in recent years from past games would get an upgraded look and guys like Sub-Zero would have more than two costumes to fight with. Will it ever happen? I know that's a lot of characters, but I think it could be done.
Yea they need to make a game like trillogy, but recent up until where MK stands now, the only roblem with that is midway wants to be retarded and release new mk games every year, if it is t happen it won't happen any time soon

About Me
Save a life; Kill a necromorph
i would love to see a new twist on the Noob Saibot/Classic Subby storyline.
Because I love to have both of them playable
Because I love to have both of them playable
SEKTOR,Sub-Zero,Scorpion,Noob Saibot,Smoke,Reptile,Ermac,Kabal,Shao Kahn,Shang Tsung,Quan Chi,Kung Lao,Jax,Sonya,Kitana,Mileena,Jade,Tanya,Sindel,Reiko,Cyrax,Nightwolf,
Baraka,Fujin,Havik,Kenshi,Kira,Liu Kang,Raiden,Shinnok,Rain,Goro,Li Mei.
Baraka,Fujin,Havik,Kenshi,Kira,Liu Kang,Raiden,Shinnok,Rain,Goro,Li Mei.
I would be certainly pleased when they continued the Hotaru, dairou, Darrius, Havik situation. Like Hotaru playing an important role in MK7 after failing with the assassination of Sub-Zero, and surviving Dairous assault. He should probably die a heros death, but in a ferocious way.
Dairou should become the seidan hero. He would take revenge on Darri-us, and may be the one who has to choose between the possibilities of Seido's future. (but keep Seido as the Ordererealm we all know and love)
Havik should play a very important role becouse of his interactions on the storylines average plot. Maybe he would have a very imortant sidemis-sion to comlete.
Dairou should become the seidan hero. He would take revenge on Darri-us, and may be the one who has to choose between the possibilities of Seido's future. (but keep Seido as the Ordererealm we all know and love)
Havik should play a very important role becouse of his interactions on the storylines average plot. Maybe he would have a very imortant sidemis-sion to comlete.
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