Who agree that MK7 should have a smaller number of characters and focus more on the gameplay?
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Who agree that MK7 should have a smaller number of characters and focus more on the gameplay?
posted03/10/2005 02:37 AM (UTC)by

I'm just wondering among the casual MK fans, Which option would you prefer for MK7?
a) 16 playable characters, one fatality each but a very good, fun and improve gameplay(for examples read the suggestions of Tony the Tiger, Konqrr and Versatile in the sticky gameplay post) +online play
b) 28 characters, 2 fatality and 1 hara-kiri per character, and a gameplay similar to the MK4-MKDA-MKD gameplay. Plus some extra modes like Konquest for example + online play.
Personnally I choose option a)
a) 16 playable characters, one fatality each but a very good, fun and improve gameplay(for examples read the suggestions of Tony the Tiger, Konqrr and Versatile in the sticky gameplay post) +online play
b) 28 characters, 2 fatality and 1 hara-kiri per character, and a gameplay similar to the MK4-MKDA-MKD gameplay. Plus some extra modes like Konquest for example + online play.
Personnally I choose option a)
If i had to choose between the two, I'd say a. However, I think that 2 fatalties per character and all that good stuff COULD be implemented into the game along with the gameplay being good as long as they work on the gameplay first and really work on it to actually make it good. Do you get what I'm saying?

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Death, is only the beginning....
I'd choose A, but implementing 2 fatalitys isn't that hard to do, only some animation work, so they could fit it in easy... They have to focus on gameplay the next one, or they will lose some fans!
My choice would be A, but I think they could squeeze a couple more characters and fatalities in, if some of the extras, especially Konquest were removed or at least cut down, and that focus be used on the main fighting gameplay as you say. MKD did not have a huge cast of characters. It was the game's reliance on gimmicks, side games extras over the main fighting engine that made it a disappointment.

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TonyTheTiger - Forum Director
Mortal Kombat Online - The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
Nintendo is comprised of three Japanese words. Nin, Ten, Dou, and when combined it means we kicked the holy shit outta Atari.
The fact is, fatalities are easy as all hell to implement. I don't care what anybody tells me, the process is a joke. As a matter of fact, it's easier to do it now in the 3D games than it was in the 2D ones because you don't have to redraw everything. Once the motion capture crew does the five seconds of footage, the in-game skin is applied to the models and you have a fatality. So that's why it doesn't matter how many fatalities are in the game. Whether each character has one or ten fatalities won't affect the gameplay at all because of that. Obviously I'd choose option A but in the end it isn't a matter of how many characters or fatalities you have in the game. It's all related to the mindset of the development team. MK7 could have five characters with no fatalities and it could end up being just as messy as Deception if Boon and Co. don't start looking at the engine differently. Tekken 5 has 31 characters not counting costume swaps like Panda and Eddy. Deception has 27 counting Goro and Shao Kahn. Yet, look at the difference. Despite the fact that Namco was working with a larger cast, the results were far more successful. It's a mindset thing most of all.
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