Who will become The One Being ?
posted04/02/2005 05:05 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
03/14/2005 04:07 PM (UTC)
A lot of people are talking about this . Who will it be ? I've heard people say it could be Dark Raiden , but it could be anyone . Who will be the spawn for him ( or it ) ? Personally I think it would be a great twist to see Noob Saibot to be him . Just imagine :

" With my new found power , The One Being had made contact with me . He needed a spawn to return , more powerful than ever . I told him he could use my body and he agreed . I eliminated my former ally , Smoke , and he agreed . I am no longer Noob Saibot . I am now - The One Being "

What do you think ?
03/31/2005 08:51 PM (UTC)
The One Being is someone that we haven't seen before.
03/31/2005 09:29 PM (UTC)
I think the One Being won't be anything but a big splotch of energy. Now for gamming purposes it will probably take the shape of a humanoid fighter, and then have a random moveset of any playable character. Or possibly have every characters special moves with his own set of made up kombat styles

Hmmm the random thing sounds like Inferno from Soul Caliber? But that is the only thing I can think of.
04/01/2005 05:37 AM (UTC)
The One Being is the One Being. I don't think it has any physical form so that's probably why it is subconsciously working through Onaga.
04/01/2005 06:03 AM (UTC)
the guy who played "bill" in "bill and ted's most exalent advenure".

who else wanted to have bill as an unlockable char in the frist matrix game?
04/01/2005 07:33 AM (UTC)
ironsmoke Wrote:
the guy who played "bill" in "bill and ted's most exalent advenure".

who else wanted to have bill as an unlockable char in the frist matrix game?

Wtf are you talking about? This has nothing to do with the discussion.
04/01/2005 02:16 PM (UTC)
I think he's one of those random dudes who just comes and says something thats has nothing to do with the topic. grin
04/01/2005 04:27 PM (UTC)
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About Me

04/01/2005 05:53 PM (UTC)
Noone. The One Being is the known existence, thus he already is here, if broken. Hmm...
04/01/2005 07:09 PM (UTC)
Can someone tell me what happened to my last post here? Something to do with April Fool's Day? This sucks, do I have to remember what I typed and post again? I just said that Onaga's ending in MK:D told that if The One Being existed it would consume everything. There would be no tournament and noone to fight each other. How could it be possible for him/her to be a character in the next game. I know Ermac sensed some powerful force, but that isn't necessarily The One Being.

04/01/2005 11:56 PM (UTC)
Remember, there were the elder gods to! They can take human form, so why not the One Being? In the begining there was the One Being and the Elder Gods. The One Being drained the energy from the Elder Gods. The created the Kamidogu to destroy and and thus the realms were created. I assume that this was during the time that Shinnok was a force of good before being consumed with lust for power, since his amulet is needed to fuse the Kamidogu.

I think the One Being could take on any shape it pleased.
04/02/2005 04:15 AM (UTC)
that was a joke..

bill=kanu reeves=neo=the one.

jeez..*rolls eyes*
04/02/2005 05:05 AM (UTC)
From what i understand the One Being isn't a figure and never has been. Its just what all of everything was before it was how it is now, the combination of all of the realms into one. When it was all one big thing it was the One Being. Onaga just wants to fuse all the realms so he can rule it. For example, a solar system could be an example of what I think the One Being is. If that system separated into 3 or 4 different systems, it would be like what happend to the realms.
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