MK references in new Boondocks episode
posted11/18/2007 07:48 PM (UTC)by
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I Have Become as the Wastelands of Unending Nothingness. Now Shall the Night Things Fill Me with their Whisperings, and the Shadows Reveal their Wisdom.

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02/21/2003 03:07 AM (UTC)
I'm not quite certain if this is the right place to post this, but I thought I should share it as I'm sure some of you might find it interesting. In the new episode of The Boondocks animated series on Adult Swim, there are some Mortal Kombat references.

Granddad meets a woman named Luna on Myspace who turns out to be a kung fu master (mistress?) who has participated in a martial arts tournament, called the kumate, in the vein of Enter the Dragon and the Mortal Kombat movie. At first I expected it to be a reference only to the former, as The Boondocks has referenced EtD directly a couple times in earlier episodes; but in a flashback after Huey says he's heard the kumate is supposed to be a death match, Luna is commanded, after defeating and opponent, to "Finish Him!" and procedes to tear out his heart. The gruesome spectacle is even topped off with the announcement that "Luna wins...Fatality!"

For anyone who wants to see it, the streaming video is available on teh Adult Swim website here. The full episode will only be up until next Friday, but you can view the clip in question here, and that should be up indefinitely.
11/18/2007 07:48 PM (UTC)

That is awesome!!! If you notest it was also a huge reference to Bruce Lee’s movie “Enter the dragon” with the music playing, the men in the Karate uniforms and the “Whaaaaaaaaaaaa!” ha ha ha that rocked!
glade you posted that!
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