Most embarrassing Mortal Kombat scenario?
posted01/18/2024 06:55 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
07/25/2003 04:29 PM (UTC)
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I just had one with my brother. We were playing Vs on my MK2 Arcade1Up deluxe cab. He was Jax and I picked Shang Tsung. Round 2 starts and I immediately hold down low punch to prep the secret Kintaro fatality. I knock him down to a sliver of health and start avoiding everything he can throw at me to buy time for the finisher. He's on to me. I can feel he doesn't want to end the match with such foolery. Now, when you're holding down LP keep in mind you can't morph or use Tsung's fireballs. I start making a spectacle of him as he attempts to rush me down and launch ground pounds and wave punches after wave punches. I avoid his every attempt. I end up sweeping him at the end as he launches his last wave punch. Finish him! I take one step away and release low punch. BAM! Shang morphs into Kintaro and belly punches Jax across the arena. My brother makes a loud cringe and shakes his head in embarrassement.

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