Something I noticed about the Lin Kuei and technology in the MK 2 comic
posted01/26/2013 12:06 AM (UTC)by
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12/23/2011 01:17 AM (UTC)
Recently, I reread the MK 2 comic (old timeline) and was kind of interested that the Lin Kuei using technology was foreshadowed.

It was in the scene where the younger Sub-Zero comes out of a jet piloted by Smoke (and the other one might be Sektor) and gives Liu Kang and Kung Lao his business card and their photos intelligence on the temple's attack. Another part was he said his brother failed to adapt to changing times which is why he was killed. The scene when they were in the plane was interesting.

Even though the new timeline shows the Lin Kuei working for Outworld, could they in the old timeline knew of the tournament and the consequences of Outworld winning?

It's funny later in MK 3 when Sub-Zero said "Screw you" when they decided to automate their assassins and helped Smoke realize who he was. Then MK 9 and the story got reversed and now he's a zombie cyborg along with Smoke. But even then, Sub-Zero refused to be automated.

Something I thought about for whatever happens to Sub-Zero be he stays as a cyborg a la Cyrax or becomes human again somehow, should he play a role in making the Lin Kuei less technology-oriented? I thought in the new timeline, he could have a hand in getting Cyrax his humanity back. Now that Sektor pretty much runs the Lin Kuei, the automation process goes to normal assassins now.

Just some food for thought...
01/13/2013 04:16 AM (UTC)
It seems odd that the Lin Kuei would advertise their services in print. What would SZ's business card say? "Sub-Zero: Assassin. Thief. 555-DIE-NOWW. Order a hit before July 9th and get 15% off!" Or maybe it's like a punch card, you get 9 hired kills, you get the 10th one free. Not too discreet. wink
About Me
I know what I have given you. I do not know what you have received.
01/20/2013 10:22 PM (UTC)
Tell me about it Stormchaser, I thought they were supposed to be secret. I guess Sub-Zero might open up a Twitter account.
01/26/2013 12:06 AM (UTC)
You two are quite the comedians.
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