The Mortal Kombat Tournament 500 years ago.
posted07/27/2015 12:18 AM (UTC)by
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12/06/2010 07:41 PM (UTC)
I've been trying to look up the Mortal Kombat Tournament 500 years ago during how the Great Kung Lao defeated Shang Tsung until he died at the hands of Goro.

The game started in 1992 and according to the Great Kung Lao's past 500 years ago, that makes year 1492.

So.... is there any historical events that took place during those years?
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07/03/2015 01:08 AM (UTC)
Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue.
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Scorpion Is my Main Man

07/07/2015 05:12 AM (UTC)
Not really, only source for that might be the shitty Mortal Kombat: The Journey Begins, Buddy.
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07/27/2015 12:18 AM (UTC)
I wouldn't base it on the date the game came out lol. But it's Asia culture that's prevalent so maybe more China then japan. In Japan in 1492 samurai were prevalent. In china the me get dynasty. Course MR history would be different. All that is known is the white lotus choose the great Kung Lao 5 defeat out world. Shang brought in his champion Goro who killed Lao. And stayed on top for the next 9 tournaments till Liu came along.
06/14/2021 02:56 AM (UTC)

So did Kung Lao's match between Shang Tsung take place in the year 992?

06/15/2021 03:31 AM (UTC)Edited 06/15/2021 03:33 AM (UTC)

There's not much known about the actual tournament itself, but there are references to it in comics. Another source you'd be interested in is the show Mortal Kombat Conquest, it was a show about the original Kung Lao and his adventures. They had some original characters that were allies to him.

Another cool reference to what life was like 500 years prior was the Mortal Kombat novel by Jeff Rovin. In the prologue they describe a young Kung Lao before he even began training to be the legend he would eventually become, they described Shang Tsung as being loosely related to Kung Lao by marrying one of his aunts but would experiment with his sorcery in the forest and he abandoned his family when he discovered a way into Outworld.

I honestly just think that the Great Kung Lao is a plot device to set up the stakes of the current tournament. You don't really need to know about the history of him. You just need to know that he saved the world once, became the champion and in his lifetime he formed the White Lotus society under the order of light. You also need to know that it was Goro who was the one to end his life, this gives Goro some sort of menace and pits him as the biggest threat to the heroes in the first game and 10th tournament. This is something the writers of that Mortal Kombat movie should have considered before using him in their movie because that Goro was absolute TRASH.

06/15/2021 10:09 AM (UTC)

Another source you'd be interested in is the show Mortal Kombat Conquest, it was a show about the original Kung Lao and his adventures. They had some original characters that were allies to him.

Are you shitting me? That show's story is complete garbage. Why would you direct him to that?

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