Block Stun, Short Combo, and jump over technique.
posted07/13/2011 03:56 PM (UTC)by
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04/13/2011 04:53 AM (UTC)
(ZeroSymbolic7188 speaking, logged in on girlfriends computer)

OK so I finally figured out how this works. I occasionally fight people who will catch a jump in on me, and do a very short combo. Like for scorpion:
Jump in punch then 1 or maybe 1,1 (Stopping it short) then they jump over and repeat. I feel like I get stuck on this. The jump punch and combo feels like a block stun. when they jump over I attempt to throw an uppercut, but it usually wiffs or doesnt come out at all, and they will repeat this over and over.

Feels a little hopeless on to me. The block stun stops me from being able to counter back with a combo of my own. Uppercuts whiff or dont come out. and because these combos dont knock me down, I cant wake up out of it.

Suggestions? Explanation? How to escape?

Tried this against expert computer because sometimes the AI can show you ways out, but no go, this technique stumps the AI.
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GT: Dimitri1033

07/03/2011 08:41 AM (UTC)
I do this to a lot of people and it almost always works.

What people have done to get out of it against me is to jump in the opposite direction and take the jumping punch hit and roll away.

If a person does this to you, just let go of block the second you see them jump over. There is certain number of frames it takes to get out of block, so if you let go too late you will get hit by the JIP.

Try holding up and away as you're blocking, then the second you see the jump, let go of block and you should jump away the second the frames to come out of block are done.
07/03/2011 10:13 AM (UTC)
Have you tried using any low jabs to escape the situation? I'm pretty sure those can be used as anti-air moves.

Also, like microchip said, letting go of the block button can be useful. An uppercut will come out faster (and any other move) if you're not blocking. This is also the best way to punish Raiden's teleport- don't block and you'll have 12 frames or something like that to punish him (I did a bit of research yesterday :p). This is especially good if you're far away on screen from Raiden as they'll be reluctant to go for the superman from far away.

But yeah, on the subject, I'd try those low jabs. Some low jabs (maybe even all) can actually become combo starters if you can hit a jumping opponent with them. Try it in the practice mode- set the AI to jump and hit them with a low jab while they're in the air and try to combo off of it with a special move.
07/03/2011 10:02 PM (UTC)
Part of my problem is that the jump engine in this game just boggles my mind. Actually in most fighting games. I have a hard time grasping jump mechanics, who will when out. For this reason I try to keep my fights grounded, and Im usually able to do so.

Break it down?
07/07/2011 12:32 PM (UTC)
ZeroSymbolic7188 Wrote:
Break it down?

So, this technique can be countered with low jabs, footsies, uppercut, etc., but have the potential of being hit with the JP grounded, and giving your opponent a full combo.

When a player abuses this, I go with NJP (nuetral jump punch). This, even if they hit you, will not give them a full combo because you will be in the air, and the JP will knock you away.

The reason that this work is:

When doing crossover JPs when standing directly next to someone, you have to seriously delay the JP, or it will whiff. Because of this, you can easily NJP them before the JP comes out, and the NJP gives you a free combo. Do this a couple of times and they'll stop crossing you up from close range.
07/07/2011 09:59 PM (UTC)
^ I definitely have to try that out (NJP)!
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"A wise man sees failure as progress / a fool divorces his knowledge and misses the logic / and loses his soul in the process / - canibus

07/08/2011 03:50 AM (UTC)
great tips thanks for this......
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~IT HAS BEGUN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

07/13/2011 03:56 PM (UTC)
i usually will just jump straight up and kick or punch them in the face. Dont jump away or towards just straight up.wowfuriousgrin
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