Character Proficiency: What is it?
posted08/01/2011 02:54 AM (UTC)by
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02/10/2003 01:32 AM (UTC)
Tekken is going to finish up soon on the stream, so I'm going to try to make this quick. Here's my criterion for proper character proficiency. I hope you all post yours.

1) You have to know all your character's match-ups.
- This is a must. I just don't know anyone could argue against this one.

2) Must have consistent high execution.
- Not controversial, but... how high is high execution? I'm not going to answer this one specifically, but a good player should be able to diagnose their own problems. We all drop combos. Wong and Daigo drop combos. The reason why you dropped your combo I believe will determine whether you have character proficiency or not. If it's because you second-guessed yourself and failed to commit, that's not a big deal. If it's because you mentally cracked in the middle of the fight, that's bad and all... but that can happen with any character; doesn't mean you're not proficient. You just have nerve issues. I'd say the important thing is to have the combos in your muscle memory. If that isn't the case, then you're not proficient.

3) Understanding the character's strategic architecture.
-Man, that sounded pretentious. What I mean is that you have to know all your characters best options given the philosophy behind how s/he's suppose to play. Is your character more defensive in nature? Is the character low-damaging or high damaging? How many risks are you allowed to take given your opponents properties? Where should you invest your meter? Which combos are your best combos in regards to not only damage but also match opportunity, meter-building, and setups (if you watch Kabal players in tournaments, they almost never do their highest-damaging combos).

Thoughts? Disagreements? Cake?
08/01/2011 02:52 AM (UTC)
I always blank out in the middle of execution. I guess it just takes even more practice than I'm doing, or maybe I'm not practicing the right way.
About Me

GT: Dimitri1033

08/01/2011 02:54 AM (UTC)
i'm a pretty cerebral fighter.

i think adaptation is key in most fights
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