Damage calculation lies?
posted07/07/2011 01:26 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/23/2010 03:26 PM (UTC)
I was doing some strings to compare damage between them, and suddenly found that while the small damage numbers said 5, 3, 9 the message with the combo damage said 16, instead of 17...

Is this happening in more combos? (this case was sub-zero's 2,1,2) And does it means that the x% numbers are rounded and the sum shows the rounded value of the non-rounded x%? (like for example, that combo doing 5 + 2'6+ 8'6 wich rounded up would be 5, 3, 9 but the sum is 16,2 wich rounded is 16) I found it strange and maybe some strings really aren't so damaging as I though...
07/06/2011 07:36 PM (UTC)
Yes, there are partial percentages that are being rounded. The best example (and the simplest), is by doing D+3 with any character. Practice mode will claim 1%, but it's obvious that it is lower than that. The absolute confirmation is by performing 100 D+3--the opponent will have health left.
07/06/2011 10:12 PM (UTC)
TheDarkPassenger Wrote:
The best example (and the simplest), is by doing D+3 with any character. Practice mode will claim 1%, but it's obvious that it is lower than that. The absolute confirmation is by performing 100 D+3--the opponent will have health left.

LOL! I have to do that now!
07/07/2011 01:26 AM (UTC)
LOL I was practicing with Kung Lao when I read that and proved! It took 185 D3 and I used a 7% Kick by error... Trying again to know if you need a total of 200 D3 hits... and I thoug it was a good strategy on story mode when I didn't know the character xDDD (at least I mixed the type of kicks with that characters lol) EDIT: It took 199 hits to finish with a full bar with that move... the damage is 0,5025 this is where it's rounded up and show a 1%!! O.O
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