Finding a tag partner for Kabal
posted06/17/2011 06:54 PM (UTC)by
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11/17/2005 12:37 AM (UTC)
So I've gotten confident enough with my Kabal skills that I'm gonna start (seriously) learning another character, mainly so I can get into tag-team. So my question is, what character do you think compliments Kabal well?

I have tried most of the other characters, with varying success, and I don't think I'm particularly bad with any of them, so any character as a suggestion will do as long as you state why.
06/17/2011 12:15 AM (UTC)
Kabal is quick, can zone really well, so I'm not sure. I've been toying around with Sektor recently, and he's a pretty strong character. Sektor can do a ton of damage, but is a bit slower, so they may play off of each other well. The only other thing I can think of is finding a matchup that you struggle with (using Kabal), and pick a character that fills that gap. I don't know enough about Kabal's matchups to make a recommendation in that regard though.
06/17/2011 12:18 AM (UTC)
Stryker is who I use, he's awesome at zoning and if you catch some one with Kabals run move you can quickly tag out, and do baton sweep into X-Ray for great damage, an easy +40.

coincidentally, they are buddy cops story wise, so Kabal's alt and Stryker's primary match.

06/17/2011 01:18 AM (UTC)
I like to use Sheeva as a tag partenor, she is really hard to use as a stand alone, but she requires a massive change from your opponent when she is in play. So I use her, and tag her in and out a lot because it really messes with people.
06/17/2011 11:25 AM (UTC)
Well, I always tag a character that doesn't have a teleport with a character that does have a teleport.

My tag partner for Kabal is Mileena. While playing with Kabal I rely more on projectiles and less on in-your-face strategy, while with Mileena it's reverse, more in-your-face and less projectiles. Kabal/Mileena tag-team is my back-up for my two main tag-teams (Sektor/Sub-Zero & Ermac/Kitana), so I haven't really studied Kabal/Mileena as much, but I'm happy so far.
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06/17/2011 11:32 AM (UTC)
I just don't bother with tag-team tbh. Will sometimes play co-op with friends or my gf because it gets a little one-sided if we play versus.

Just picked up Marvel v Capcom 3 though, so maybe that will stimulate my interest in tag-team. (MK waaaay better game in my opinion in case someone was wondering). EDIT: I realised I was being a dumbass for not answering your question so I gave it some thought. Smoke or Ermac. Both can do high damage fairly easily but not great at setting it up for themselves. Enter Kabal. Also Kabal is great for close in pressure and mixup which is what is lacking from the other two.
About Me
There is no knowledge that is not power.

06/17/2011 06:54 PM (UTC)
Thanks for all the awesome suggestions! Not to mention the great reasons why they would work!

Sektor - Probably the character I've spent the least time with, so I should have fun trying him.

Stryker - Like the whole buddy cop idea. I'm just gonna have to learn how to properly use his specials.

Sheeva - Was considering her myself, definitely gonna give a try.

Mileena - Another one I haven't really played with, so experimenting will be fun.

Smoke - Tryed him, a lot, I like his specials but his chains are a bit tricky to get the major damage.

Ermac - Probably the character I've spent the most time with besides Kabal. Just gotta practice more with him.
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