Hidden Kombos - Am I Late About This?
posted07/30/2012 12:31 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
02/22/2006 12:35 AM (UTC)
Well, I was practicing with Ermac, and I came across two particular combos that I did not see in his move list.

And I checked. A lot.

They both seem to involve his special move Force Push. Here are the two combos (360 input, change accordingly):

1.) Back+X, Forward+X: Performs a back fist, followed by Force Push

2.) Back+Y, Forward+X: Performs a slight Psychic Palm, followed by Force Push

I might he severely late about this, but can someone explain to me why neither combo appears in the move list?
07/30/2012 12:31 AM (UTC)
Those aren't hidden combos, you are buffering the Force Push command.

Input for Force Push: Back, forward, 1.

You pressed the back button, and then pressed forward and 1, causing you to do the Force Push. The game works like that.

Another example of buffering, in an anti-air style: While playing as Kratos, press B+1, down, back 2. If the B+1 hits an aerial opponent, Kratos will use the Head of Helios (input: D,B,2). If B+1 doesn't hit, then Kratos will perform the 2 from his B+1, 2 combo.
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