Looking for High-Level players with patients to mentor myself.
posted07/03/2011 05:14 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
04/09/2011 07:33 PM (UTC)
So basically I go online and I can beat people who have records that are around W=L and even usually W>L. Then there is a whole other echelon of players that I just cannot even try to hang with. I feel like they understand gameplay mechanics that I dont, or that there is a glaring hole in my gameplay and I cant see it.

I could continue beating on people I know I can beat, but I want to grow at the game, for fun. I just cant find fighters in the gap between where I am at, and where the super-high level is.

So Im looking for someone to show me the holes in my game and help me improve. I have a microphone I'm willing to take some losses.

Areas I know I could improve in but am not certain how:

The Air game: How to win in the air, and how to anti-air properly without something like the UP-Ball.

The Wake-Up Game: When to use wake up, when not to use wake up, and are there moves that prevent wake up?

Block Dashing against characters with multiple zoning tools such as Noob, Kabal, Liu Kang, Sindel, ect.

PM with: HIGH LEVEL Subject line, or something that lets me know where your comign from.

Thanks in advance:Zero.
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GT: Dimitri1033

06/10/2011 05:25 AM (UTC)
guessing you're on ps3? edit: DEM TITS!!!!
06/10/2011 01:27 PM (UTC)
Well, if you want some patients to mentor, I would suggest a career in mental health, or maybe drug rehabilitation, lol.

Sorry, I have nothing worthwhile to contribute.
About Me

06/16/2011 04:32 AM (UTC)
unseenwombat Wrote:
Well, if you want some patients to mentor, I would suggest a career in mental health, or maybe drug rehabilitation, lol.

Sorry, I have nothing worthwhile to contribute.

You stole the joke right out of my head.
About Me

"Getting in my way is like jumping in front of a car break the sound barrier, that means the car is in front of the horn" PSN: ZionSoljah

06/19/2011 04:56 PM (UTC)
I believe i can help you.
About Me

"A wise man sees failure as progress / a fool divorces his knowledge and misses the logic / and loses his soul in the process / - canibus

07/03/2011 05:14 PM (UTC)
send me a msg on PS3 @: ProphecY308 or XBL @: ABA ProphecY , i'm always willing to lend any advice I can bring to the table. I'm usually on every night between 11 pm - 3 am (est)
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