MKD PAL The good old days
posted05/19/2011 12:27 PM (UTC)by
About Me

PSN Tag:- Adsygr8

Member Since
02/06/2005 11:02 PM (UTC)
Hey everyone. Used to play MKD onlike as ChewyUK. Wondered if any of the old people who used to play MKD on Xbox are still around. Would be great to get back in touch again with MK9 just around the corner and getting some online matches setup. I play PS3 though these days. From what I remember there was TGrant, mkdan? and a few others I cant quite remember. Get in touch guys :)
About Me
Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
03/18/2011 08:46 AM (UTC)
Hey., chewy. good to see you. I'll be getting the game and will be up for matches once I get manage to get online. We'll have to sort some matches out.
04/10/2011 05:30 PM (UTC)
I used to play MKD all the time, but I was young and very immature, and not well liked. So Id rather not say my tag, you would remember it for sure cause I was a real wack job back then, was going through some hard stuff in life. Anyway my PSN now is just what it says in my signature and Im wasting time on Call of Duty if you want to play some of that.
05/19/2011 03:41 AM (UTC)
Yes! My Old tag was mk_trilogy, oh and there was this guy called crack or crkfriend i don't know, but hé would say to everyone that he'll rape them lol it was hillarious. Then a shujinko player came and killed his game, lol, Well i used to Be beast with my Old jade, i Miss her...
05/19/2011 03:55 AM (UTC)
CRKFIEND was amazing, I dont know who wouldve beaten him.

05/19/2011 04:05 AM (UTC)
Hé was cheap, lol nothing amazing there, grab, hit with stick , grab again, yatta yatta yatta yatta. Still cheap or whatever hé was a Force nonetheless, damn im trying to remember the other guy. Hé would put videos online too, supposively kicking crkfiends Butt. EDIT: im sorry crkfiend was the shujinko player, jeje yes hé was amazing, but then there was the bo rai cho cheap player, now him i forgot what tag hé had, aldagod and orange clockwork SBS raydenwins, i Think those were they're tags, they were good too.
05/19/2011 05:57 AM (UTC)
CRKFIEND was an insane Shujinko player. ALDAGOD had a badass Kabal. CHINGON was great with Ashrah. Karate- was good with everybody. MOE81 was the jackass with bo rai, and IGNEZ WAS Dairou.
05/19/2011 12:27 PM (UTC)
I used to be a constant player back in the day, used to play with MKDAN (Spamming bo rai cho's f+3 the penis.), Enigmatic Shadow, and a few others.
Used to play with a few people here actually (Under a different name back then which i cannot remember).

Definitley up for playing some games. GT: mr coswell.
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