question about joystick or ps3 controllers
posted01/16/2012 07:50 AM (UTC)by
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03/07/2011 04:46 PM (UTC)
Ive already been through 3 ps3 controllers since this game came out in April. I hate the damn d-pads, they get worn out too easily. If I go into practice mode and just try to throw Mileena sais (B-F1) as fast as I can, i end up jumpin forward or backwards like a retard....because wen i hit back or forward it reads the input as up-forward as if i were pressn the angles.
I think im ready to use my first evr joystick! Nevr even played in an arcade b4. I was wonderin what sticks you guys use, where to order from or juz stick with ps3 controller. furiouswowgrin
01/15/2012 06:41 PM (UTC)
I use the PS3 controller and I feel very comfortable with it.
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01/15/2012 07:12 PM (UTC)
I use a MadCatz TE Fight Stick. I absolutely love it, but there's definitely a bit of a learning curve. It has some serious advantages over the PS3 controller, but I wouldn't call it a logical choice. Each one is better and worse at different things.

In regards to the button layout, I feel the TE Stick is much better for performing Enhanced moves and X-Rays. You have faster access, and the PS3 triggers are just not responsive enough in my opinion (the bumper isn't so bad, but the option change for buttons in MK is such an unbelievable pain in the ass that there's no way I'm using anything but default).

The actual stick is probably what will give you some hesitation. Doing clean, fast, and consistent dashes with the stick is going to take a lot of practice. This is one category where the PS3 controller is simply the better choice. Even basic back/back/punch specials won't come out if you're not precise enough. And those instant air fireballs from Kabal... let me tell you something. If you're using a stick and you're on the right side of the screen, that shit is just not happening. I use my wrist and sometimes my thumb to do dash inputs, and neither of those are capable of quickly inputing those directions at that angle. I would literally have to use my forearm and shove the stick back-up back-up really quickly, and life's too short for that kind of bullshit. If anyone has any advice on this issue, let me know.

Ultimately, it's all preference. Just know that you can't judge the Fight Stick until you've used it for a few months. Everyone sucks using an arcade setup at first. It's going to feel weird at first, but that will change in time. One massive advantage of the Fight Stick is that you can dual-mod it, allowing you to play the same way on PS3 as you do on 360 (and for tournaments, that's key).

Good luck with whatever you decide.
01/15/2012 08:05 PM (UTC)
My biggest issue with the PS3 controller are the L2 & R2 buttons, I really dislike the new design with free lower ends.

I use R2 for throws in MK9, so when in the heat of the battle I don't press the button hard enough and the throw doesn't come out, I get really mad.

I'm actually thinking of getting myself a convertor to use my PS2 pad instead. I much preferred the L2/R2 button design on those.
01/15/2012 08:24 PM (UTC)
Yeah the shoulder buttons are better on a dual shock 2.

I think I'm going to have to get a new DS2. I only got it just before October and there seems to be something wrong with the wiring on R2. I am getting unintentional ex moves. It's not as simple as block being stuck because my character never randomly blocks. I can't get block to come up in the input display in practice mode either. It's just like one in every hundred cutters is randomly an EX cutter. This never happened before. I'm pissed because I like the dpad and don't want to replace it before Final Round and the rest of the Evo season.
01/15/2012 09:12 PM (UTC)
I use the old PS3 SixAxis controller, the one before DualShock 3. It's pretty good for me, the only problem is not the d-pad, but the left analog stick. Back then I played a lot of COD4: Modern Warfare, I sprinted a lot, it somehow messed up my left stick later on. If I push it ever so slightly upwards, the PS3 registers the input as up. So less-than-frequently I accidently jump during the match, mostly at the beginning of a match.

I don't really mind the L2 and R2 button being triggers. I still use R2 for blocking and EX moves, I became used to the timing.
01/15/2012 09:12 PM (UTC)
@16-bit: Sorry to hear that. Tricky situation.

I remember I struggled a lot early on to get iAFs to hit the standing opponent, I just couldn't get them out quick enough. I thought it was just my execution, but I later realized what was the real problem. It was my PS3 controller that was still fairly new and the directional buttons were stiff. As I played the game more and more, the buttons loosened up and my overall execution became hella better.
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01/15/2012 11:48 PM (UTC)
GodlyShinnok Wrote:
I use the PS3 controller and I feel very comfortable with it.

Same. I don't have any issues at all.
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01/16/2012 04:06 AM (UTC)
mayb im juz not accurate enough wen doin back forwards, seems like i have the same problem with sub slide and ermac push...ima get a new ps3 controller but i still wanna try a joystick i may luv it n nvr go bak to crappy dpad again.
01/16/2012 07:50 AM (UTC)
I like the PS3 controller it works well for me...but all that dash canceling out of Stryker's gun and Rain's roundhouse is bloody murder on it. I wouldn't trade a PS3 controller for any other peripheral.

The sticks have been given some good feedback from gamers, they're not for me, but if you're interested, many really love them, I'd try them out at the very least.
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