Rain Kombo (50%)
posted07/20/2011 09:46 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/17/2010 01:52 AM (UTC)
So I've been working on this a lot soo I hope you enjoy!


The second kombo in that video is just a super enhanced versiontongue

Anyways here are the button kombinations:

H20 Boost, JP, 1, 2, F+4, B+2, 2+1, 4, 3, Lighting, Super Kick, 1, 2, Xray, Geyser Kick
About Me

"A wise man sees failure as progress / a fool divorces his knowledge and misses the logic / and loses his soul in the process / - canibus

07/20/2011 09:46 PM (UTC)
nice dude, if you actually substitue the first 1, 1, F+2 for the jump in 1, b+2, 1+2 that should add a few percentages of damage, and in addition switching any 1, 1, links you have in there with 4, 3 will give you more damage as well..nice
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