Subzero in tag team mode...
posted03/14/2011 05:25 AM (UTC)by
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PSN: Eazail70x7

Member Since
04/12/2005 08:18 PM (UTC)
I've been seeing comments about subzero being slow compared to the other characters and lacking pop ups. This doesn't make me happy but I was wondeing if anyone thought that he might be more useful in tag team matches than he is in 1 on 1?

Just curious on your thoughts
03/14/2011 04:55 AM (UTC)
I would assume so since his assist seems to be the freeze beam, and for characters without a stun move that should be quite helpful.
03/14/2011 05:25 AM (UTC)
Ya his freeze assist seems like it could be helpful in combos, won't really know until after the game is out.

I wouldn't give up on 1v1 Sub-zero yet, he's slow but does high damage. Besides, we can't really say too much on a pre-launch pre-tested build lol. If NRS lives up to their promise then he should be balanced either at launch or patch. I highly doubt the game will be balanced on launch though (in fact, I guarantee it won't).
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