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RIP Tekken vS Mortal Kombat -- X-Men vS Mortal Kombat --
07/17/2005 11:36 PM (UTC)
I am proud to say that I hosted the Tekken Vs Mortal Kombat tournament. I have many things to say about the tournament, but my words can drag and they may bore you to death. Therefore, I will simply say a few things that were very important throughout the whole tournament. Before I begin to talk about the tournament, I would just like to thank a few people. First and foremost, I would like to thank 17wpermacwp17 (Franko), he has indeed helped me throughout the whole entire tournament and for that reason; I would like to thank him. Secondly, I would like to thank ~Crow~. This tournament would not be what it was if it was not for him. & Last but not least, I would like to thank all who’ve helped by voting in the tournament. Your participation in this tournament is what made the tournament survive for so long. I deeply appreciate the votes. I would also like to thank many other people but the list could go on & on therefore I will stop there.

One of the most interesting things about the tournament is the fact that it went through so many ups and downs. When the tournament first began, it was probably one out of the three forum games that were taking place in the General Discussion (not including the ‘Rate the Above...’ threads). The very first battle was a popular one and drew in many Tekken & Mortal Kombat fans. Unexpectedly, a conflict between both videogames began to soar through the forums. A battle of ‘Which Game is Better?’ began to drift throughout the forums. This was when the tournament became most popular, bringing in voters who thought one videogame’s fighter was better than the other. The sad part soon came after, & I laugh just to think what I complete moron I was to bring such an excuse into a tournament. ‘The Resurrection Round’ came along bringing the tournament to an end. At this very point, I came very close to giving up on everything. Thankfully, I changed my mind and began to think of a solution. After bringing the tournament back on track, I began to give up again. I created another tournament (The Mortal Kombat KLash) that became a failure in a matter of weeks (a tournament I spent hours & hours putting together). Very closely was I to leave the site. Once again, my instinct told me not to and I stayed, eliminating the KLash tournament and sticking with the Tekken Vs MK tournament. After all those chances of leaving the site, here I am now; sitting here typing out this paper. Yes, of course, the invasion of the ‘ridiculous forum games’ came along and the tournament was once again on the road to failure but the tournament survived until now and I could not be more happier. I’m not going to say that the tournament was the best forum game on the site because it really was not but what I am going to state is the fact that it went through many wild stages and for the tournament to be where it is now is remarkable.

I’ve learned many Many MANY things throughout the tournament and some of those things that I did learn; I regret. I don’t regret the fact that I created this tournament. I did not create this tournament for Dragon Points & I did not create this tournament for recognition. I created this tournament for fun which I believe I enjoyed at times and I hope many of you did as well. A tournament at times can be a difficult task to handle which I learned through this experience. Will I be creating Tekken Vs Mortal Kombat 2? No way!! I will proudly pass the tournament down to someone else if they wish, but I don’t enjoy movie sequels so I really do not believe I will enjoy hosting a tournament sequel. Do not get me wrong, I enjoyed this tournament but one is enough. The Good news is (for those who care), I will still be around. I will be hosting a similar tournament to this one but hopefully it will be different and more entertaining. I will also be hosting ‘Celebrity Showdown 2005’ which I am proud to say will be coming out in late October-early November.

So, once again... thank you for all who participated and helped throughout this tournament. The tournament has finally ended and finally, after saying ‘Happy Voting!!’ more than 100 times, I can finally say ‘Happy Ending!!’ (corny, I know...lol)

Tekken Vs Mortal Kombat Tournament: December 25, 2004 – July 17, 2005

The Final battle has come to an end and voting as ended. The results are in and I am proud to say that we have a winner!! This was an extremely close battle containing overall a decent amount of 13 votes. Both fighters fought extremely well throughout the whole entire tournament. I must say that these two fighters well deserve to have been the final two. They sure did deserve their position.

Before I announce the champion of the Tekken Vs Mortal Kombat tournament, I would like to announce the winner of the ‘Ultimate Fighting Video Game’ Award. As many of you may have noticed, I have been tracking down the points each videogame has had throughout the tournament (for more information, you could look on page one at the rules). After calculating the points, here are the results...

Tekken: 48
Mortal Kombat: 51

The ’Ultimate Fighting Video Game Award’ goes to: Mortal Kombat!!

Now, after more than 100 gruesome battles & also after some ups and downs, the tournament of Tekken Vs Mortal Kombat has come to an end. After a very close battle, here are the results...

Kung Lao: 8 votes
Kazuya Mishima: 5 votes

The CHAMPION of the Tekken Vs Mortal Kombat Tournament is: KUNG LAO!!!

Surprisingly, Tekken didn’t win either award. Mortal Kombat took both wins, which proves the video game the champion of the tournament. Keep in mind, this was just a game & I am sure Tekken would have won this tournament easily. The battle of Tekken Vs Mortal Kombat is not over and it will never be over. Conflicts between both videogames will continue and will never end. There will always be a question to what if I had put fighters against other fighters? What if I made the tournament a bit different? What would have made the tournament a bit more fair? Truth is, Mortal Kombat has a couple more advantages over Tekken but that is not saying Tekken does not have advantages over Mortal Kombat because it does have advantages and Tekken could have won. The battles I chose were random and they were not so one fighter could beat the other. They were completely random and I did not put two fighters together purposely.

I truthfully believe Mortal Kombat won this fair & square. Many may be disappointed but it really just is a game and you should never really take it tooo seriously.

Coming Soon: Street Fighter Vs Mortal Kombat - I hope to see many familiar faces voting! = )
07/18/2005 01:40 AM (UTC)
Nicely wrapped up!
07/18/2005 04:08 AM (UTC)
It's good to see that it lasted almost 7 full months, that's amazing wow I can't wait for Street Fighter vs. MK. I will help you out in any way I can.
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art by fear-sAs
07/18/2005 04:20 AM (UTC)
Well, atleast it's Kung Lao who one, so that's pretty cool. Great job, the whole thing lasted 7 months which is very impressive, congradulations on a very succesful run.
08/23/2006 02:37 AM (UTC)
hey how do i improve my rank
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RIP Tekken vS Mortal Kombat -- X-Men vS Mortal Kombat --
08/23/2006 02:47 AM (UTC)
Don't BUMP threads. Especially those that were last seen back in July of 2005.

08/23/2006 04:10 PM (UTC)
Hey, it's not cool to bumb old threads, especially to ask one tiny question.

Read the Community FAQ. The answer should be there.
08/23/2006 04:20 PM (UTC)
Dont bump threads in which the last post was made more that three months ago. Especially if your post has nothing to do with the original topic.

Thread closed.
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