In a shocking turn of events, Mortal Kombat co-creator Ed Boon has become embroiled in a violent fight with beloved late night TV doyen Conan O'Brien! The battle was captured live by #STREAMCOCO, where Boon -- accompanied by spunky sidekick Tyler Lansdown -- was heard to bully and shout abusive commands at O'Brien. O'Brien was visibly sick and frequently dizzy throughout the clip. Watch the archive below:
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Before they do battle in Super Bowl XLIX: Seattle Seahawks Running Back Marshawn "Beast Mode" Lynch and New England Patriors' Tight End Rob "Gronk" Gronkowski would face each other in another gruelling contest. The game: Mortal Kombat X. The home field: Conan's Clueless Gamer segment. The result - embedded below:
For many months, fans have pondered who will fight in the ultimate battle between good and evil. Some struggles go beyond the mortal precepts of morality - such is the nature of the Clueless Gamer Big Game Showdown!
As promised; celebrity redhead Conan O'Brien has grappled with the lofty issues of Injustice: Gods Among Us in his semi-regular Clueless Gamer segment! The Conan review marks the official debut of General Zod -- fourth character in the DLC Season Pass!