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Captain Marvel Almost Returned in Injustice Fighter Pack 0

Injustice fans will remember the bitter death of Captain Marvel during the first game's story mode, but in a new tweet, SHAZAM enthusiast Ed Boon has revealed 'the big red cheese' was considered for a comeback with other characters in "Fighter Pack 0"!

Injustice Mobile App Adds Playable Darkseid & More

The release of Ultimate Edition last November may have signalled an apparent end to new content -- but Injustice: Gods Among Us is still finding fresh life on mobile platforms!

As reported by WasdUK; the Injustice App has added Darkseid to the playable roster in a new update! The villainous New God previously appeared in Injustice arena attacks, and as the boss of the 2008 NetherRealm made crossover: Mortal Kombat versus DC Universe [read more].

More Injustice: Gods Among Us Character Renders

As the April release date draws ever nearer, the playable cast of Injustice: Gods Among Us fighters continues to grow. So too does the gallery of official character render images, thanks to the due diligence of the official game website!

Review: Injustice: Gods Among Us #1

When you consider the instant success Injustice: Gods Among Us has had through digital-first release [full story], you have to think this is a comic already fulfilling its primary objective(s).

Print copies of #1 (released January 30) contain the first three chapters of the digital counterpart. Mortal Kombat Online is reviewing based on both, but if you asked for preference, the paper copy takes it. The printed page -- which is cut roughly in half for digital release -- is not only more forgiving to the empty space of panels and the quality of linework, but also the overall pacing of the read.

The natural format of a modern comic lends itself to page-to-page scene breaks, but it could be speculated writer Tom Taylor is more aware of his obligations to digital chapters than is normal. Important story beats segment well, but this doesn't entirely playout in the artwork, which feels hyper-extended in the digital version.

Jheremy Raapack in particular seems much more at home in a traditional 7x11 comic page, with layouts a little less obviously accounting for a page split. When Mike S. Miller and Axel Gimenez take over, the equator becomes more obvious. These panels feel better filled in digital chunks, but compound the unexpected interruption of mid-story style changes. There's a lot to like about Raapack's stylized chunkiness; Miller is crisp and clean.

External forces weighing on the series make it an unusual comic to review, but also speaks to the varied audiences it will inevitably reach. If you aren't looking for the metatext, you won't be too distracted. There are a lot of ways to enjoy this comic, and if anecdotal evidence is anything to go by, plenty of people already are! This is the tie-in's tie-in -- perfect for introducing an interested new audience to the DC superhero medium.

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