Like sand through the hour glass, so are the thirty years of Mortal Kombat! To celebrate the milestone year: NetherRealm Studios has shown gratitude to the fans, players, and developers with a special "Thank You" video featuring dozens of staff -- and what might be the first tease for what's coming next. Watch:
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Mortal Kombat and its arcade sequels remain some of the most famous examples of live-action digitized graphics, and a new documentary featurette details the process that brought a touch of Hollywood cinema to video game development. Watch:
From the humble beginnings of a small handful of artists and programmers -- Mortal Kombat has grown into a multimedia goliath built by hundreds! This year marks the 25th Anniversary of the game that started it all - and nostalgic fans might be pleased to know the developers of the iconic original games still get together from time to time!
Recently, Mortal Kombat series co-creator and project lead Ed Boon has been bitten by the Twitter bug. Due to Ed's plentiful updates with Mortal Kombat information as well as images, this thread is being created to house all the material in one, convenient location for the fans to easily access. With each new image added, this topic will be edited accordingly. When new additions are made to this news lead, it will be moved to the top of the thread listings. The most recent change will be listed first, while older material will be categorized by type and date originally released. Also, be sure to follow Ed Boon on Twitter yourself!