Sub Zero - Information
posted03/12/2003 04:10 PM (UTC)by
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03/10/2003 08:46 PM (UTC)
Sub Zero was kicked out of the clan (I Forget The Name of it) And he was betrayed and then he smoke and some other robot escaped and now sub zero is wanted dead by the clan by breaking the rules /escaping. But he had no choice.

If you have any moore information please let me know about it on this forum
03/12/2003 04:10 PM (UTC)
No. The Linkuei leaders decided to automate their living soldiers into soulless machines. They brought the technology from "God knows where" to put to the test. Sektor was the first and later Cyrax. They completed it successfully. Smoke and Subzero were returning to Outworld after they failed to Kill Tsung. This is when they discovered the Grandmaster's plot. And the horrific truth was that they were next. Subzero escaped, but Smoke was captured and became the 3rd lethal robotic assassin. Subzero took off his mask signifying his departure from the clan. That was against the sacred codes of honor by the Lin Kuei so he was marked for death.
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