Your Hate Mail...
posted09/15/2014 08:52 PM (UTC)by
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12/13/2009 04:11 AM (UTC)
I was recently playing UMK3's versus challenger with some idiot.I forget his gamer tag but I guess it isn't important.Anyway,he chooses Ermac and I choose Kabal.He wipes the floor with Kabal the first round.I pick up his tactics and I draw out a lengthy round 2 battle and ultimately defeated him.Round 3 was very strategic and epic.In round 3,our life bars were basically on danger.I jump kicked backwards and baited him into jumping into Kabal's fire ball.Now I know that was a risky move on Kabal's part jumping know Ermac could of easily teleport punched my ass.But this bitter defeat sent this Ermac's player into a hellbent fury.

Finally,the point of my thread.HATE MAIL! It's kind of funny what he sent me and what I sent back made him even more furious.Okay,this isn't word for word but pretty damn close.

Angry Ermac player:Wow...I'm not gonna play with someone who fights like a fag.

First of all...How the hell can anyone fight like a fag?

Me:How does it feel to lose to a fag?

He texted back...

Angry Ermac player:I'm not calling you a fag im just saying to fight like a bitch.

Me:How does it feel to lose to a bitch?

Then his last text...

Angry Ermac bitch:Wow!!! OMFG you are such an unbelievebly stupid person I dont talk to retards im blocking you BYE

Me:How does it feel to lose to an unbelievebly stupid person?

I don't think he got my last response.I know it's not really worth arguing with lower life forms like this dude but I just had to put him in his place.I would love to hear the stupidest hate mail you ever received and your funny responses. tongueglassestongue
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Kombat Returns 2015

12/20/2011 11:30 PM (UTC)
that message was nothing compared to what i have received on both xbox live and psn, they are too many to post here, it's funny because back in the day when i went to the arcades to play people never insulted me when they lost ( or when they won) in person it's a different story -____-
12/26/2011 11:16 PM (UTC)
lebronjames Wrote:
that message was nothing compared to what i have received on both xbox live and psn, they are too many to post here, it's funny because back in the day when i went to the arcades to play people never insulted me when they lost ( or when they won) in person it's a different story -____-

Because online, people know that they cannot be hurt in any meaningful way for their behavior.
08/30/2014 07:21 PM (UTC)
I was doing ranked matches and I happened to fight the same guy twice in a row and I won both times and he sent me a message saying

"Yeah your real good at fighting in a video game but I would kick your ass in a real fight you bitch"

Lmaoooo dude was such an insecure pussy.
09/15/2014 08:52 PM (UTC)
Ahh my favorite hail mail message that I got was "Fuck You Hoe No Life" all because I beat with a Flawless Victory with Kitana lmao.
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