in mk6 what is going to happen with Quan-Chi's amulet?
posted03/08/2003 10:14 AM (UTC)by
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03/05/2003 09:27 PM (UTC)

What will happen with Quan-chi's Amulet?Does he give it to the Dragon King in excenge for something?or what?

03/08/2003 02:26 AM (UTC)
that's a good theory. hopefully kano gets it, he receives a bigger push in the story. hey its MK! anything can happen!
03/08/2003 03:36 AM (UTC)
kano ermmm.. liu kang steals it after he kills him, if quan chis ending is in fact the one they use to continue the series, quan chi is a shitty boss anywayz they need someone better khan was good but overused and the same now with quan chi.
03/08/2003 10:14 AM (UTC)
here is a story that explains a little about the amulet, about the BK being the boss and quan and tsung returning (endurance match)

With the dragon kings army successfully revived and the permanent fixture of the endless supply of souls in shang tsungs abode, neither sorcerer felt the need to continue the partnership, secretly plotting to kill the other. Quan Chi ordered Kano, using the army, to kill his fellow sorcerer, whilst Shang Tsung released the Oni Moloch, supplying the demon with the whereabouts of Quan Chi.

Moloch found Quan Chi first and a savage battle followed. Quan Chi rose the victor, just, and whilst recovering from the fight in a meditative state in his inner sanctum, the sorcerer became enlightened about the undying properties of the Oni. He took the head of Moloch and crafted a living weapon to enhance his dreadful powers.

Unknown to the sorcerers, however, was the rebirth of the Dragon King, an event that would disrupt their plans. The Dragon King felt the draw of his old army and traced their presence to Shang Tsung’s palace. In the palace grounds the Dragon King was met by Kano with amulet in hand, and the double crossing earthrealm warrior immediately sensed this mysterious person to be the Dragon King and knew that he was outmatched. Quickly, he switched his allegiance to the Dragon King and presented him with the amulet to control the lost army – and information pertaining to the Dragon Kings strongest foes.

Shang Tsung felt content knowing he was now the supreme ruler thinking that Moloch was successful, when he realised the lost army were closing in on him and was forced to flee from his own palace, but remained within the grounds to catch stray souls. At this time Quan Chi had wondered what had happened to Kano and so ventured to Shangs palace himself. The sorcerer spied cautiously and was outraged to learn that the Dragon King was alive – and with Kano! He stormed off only to be cut off by Shang Tsung. The two sorcerers looked at each other and realised that each others’ plans had failed, but were still reminded that together they were a powerful force. Shang would need Quan once more to regain control of his supply of souls whilst Quan would need Shang’s help to overcome the Dragon King and take back the lost army. They put aside their differences once more and formed a stronger alliance.

They knew that Kano would have undoubtedly informed his new master that the sorcerers were a danger and the two sorcerers needed all their powers of concentration and mediation to defeat the Dragon King, and could ill afford the wrath of such warriors after them like Scorpion and Kenshi. But without Kano and the Oni, the sorcerers had no protection against such threats, so together, they enlisted the help of a shokan mercenary
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