Just a couple of new observations...
posted03/29/2003 05:14 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
02/16/2003 05:41 PM (UTC)
I let my little cousins play MK:DA this afternoon and I found something very peculiar in one of the stages that I hadn't noticed before (mainly because I wasn't distracted by the match).

Maybe you've all seen this but in the 'House of Pekara' there seem to be three transluscent, hooded figures floating around. There are two on either side of the stained-glass window and one that seems to pop up and down intermitently on the opposite side of the areana (under a tree if I recall). I don't know the significance of these figures or if anyone has mentioned them before. This just seemed eery for me and I want to know if anyone has an explanation for it.

Another thing I noticed was the direction my character looked no matter what stage they were fighting in and a connection in how it comes about.
First of all I was using Sub-Zero in Arcade and it was on MAX difficulty. I'm not that great a player so I would always lose at least one round to the computer. Well, I'd eventually win two rounds and then when it says 'Finish Him/Her!' then the Subby would always look directly up. It didn't matter what stage it was he'd always look up. In fights where I DIDN"T lose a round, then it wouldn't happen.

Curious, eh...? grin
03/29/2003 04:18 PM (UTC)

I doubt the cloaked guys have anything to do with anything, however the other note you mentioned has got my attention. It is very odd that when you win without losing a round you have a different fatality "stance". Could have been for fatalites they took out of the game, i'm not sure, but it was a good azz observation. Gonna check it out for myself later on tonight.

Blade Tsung
The power of cheese
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Note to self-stop making notes to yourself

03/29/2003 04:23 PM (UTC)
yes, also if you lose in portal, the comp turns into fatality and tries a combo, as if he was trying to do a stage fatality...
About Me

Albert Severino
Mortal Kmbat Gate

03/29/2003 05:14 PM (UTC)
Actually, that's sort of interesting. I saw that once or twice, I think, altough I beleived it was a glitch. Interesting, none the less.
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