The Offical Chess Kombat Thread (UPDATE *7/29/04* A PIC OF THE PIT CHESS ARENA WOO HOO!!!!)
posted07/29/2004 07:50 PM (UTC)by
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05/20/2004 09:11 PM (UTC)

People Had Questions I have the Answers in this thread.
OK chess kombat it looks like a awesome new feature added to MK. The pieces will have cool features. I'll add the rules next for people who don't know them.

The Basics:

Rumors have it that you can choose which characters you want to use as pieces. When opposing pieces meet up on the board the two characters will fight in versus mode. Taking the two elements of thought and strategy and putting a game together that will require the excessive use of both. The characters are to have special emphasis on "classes", such as mages, conjurers, wizards, etc., who bear special skills of specificity, such as "healers", etc. Most magazines say that one has the ability to set traps like in battle. The main goal also is said to be to protect your emperor or king, who is defenseless.

Written at Gamespot- "...The "leader" is the equivalent of your king in standard chess. Your "champion" is essentially your queen and is the most mobile of your pieces. The "grunt" is your pawn, and it serves as cannon fodder. The last two classes, the sorcerer and shifter, don't have ties to traditional chess and are more in tune with MK sensibilities. You'll actually have two sorcerers--in good and evil who are able to cast spells. The good sorcerer will cast support magic that will let you heal, protect, and resurrect fallen pieces. Your less virtuous spellcaster will be able to do all the fun stuff, like instantly kill one of your opponent's pieces, teleport one of your pieces anywhere on the board, and sacrifice one piece to heal another. Your probably thinking your sorcerors can do all the work but you can only use these spells once over the course of the battle. Finally, your shifter is a unique piece that transforms into an exact copy of his or her opponent. - You will have 2 sorcerers, and each will have special magical abilities. Each sorcerer will represent one of the traditional forces: good or evil. Your evil sorcerer will, obviously, be a master of black magical powers that do damage to the enemy one such power being an instant death to an enemy unit. The sorcerer of good, however, will be more of a healing aid, helping your Mortal Kombat units to restore their health after grueling battles with the enemy. Between your two sorcerers, you will have access to 8 different spells such as resurrect, imprison, healing, etc. - You will have a really powerful unit known as a champion. This will be your primary fighter, and can be compared to the Queen of the standard Chess game, your kombatant in the game. - You will have a Leader as well. Much like Chess' king piece, your leader must be protected at all times, lest you lose the game to your opponent, and hence you must destroy the opponent's leader. - The next unit would be the the Shifter. His ability entails turning into your opponent, much like Shang Tsung and Shinnok's abilities in prior Mortal Kombat games. - The final unit, the "pawn" of the game, is the Grunt. Your Grunts should be your fighters that you are most familiar with as you will do the bulk of your fighting with this plentiful unit. - It should also be said that strength of each unit will differ based on what class they are on the board. The strength of, say, Ermac as a Grunt will be considerably less than if he was, say, the Champion. Grunts move either 2 spaces forward or one space diagonal in the beginning of play, and can move varying distances based on what part of the board that they are on, much like a pawn in Chess. The attacking Grunt will also receiving a +10 health point bonus as a reward for being the aggressor, though the battle between Grunts will normally be much quicker than a typical game of Mortal Kombat as your health is very limited. The option for a fatality is given, to your enjoyment. As far as features, there are two green spaces on the board. These spaces will recharge your players' health if you manage to get that particular unit on that square. Each opponent also has the ability to set a trap on a particular spot on the board, which adds another element of strategy to the game that emulates the new death traps set up in typical Mortal Kombat: Deception play. One very neat feature is the remaking of old Mortal Kombat backgrounds into 3D!

But when you beat the King in Chess Kombat what do you think will happen?

Will a fatality happen or will there be a cool victory or will it matter what arena your on.
According to where I got the rules it said that a fatality we'll be a option for are enjoyment Woo HOO!! Pictures of Chess Kombat first the arenas ABOVE IS THE DEAD POOL ABOVE IS THE PORTAL THIS ONE IS EITHER THE GRAVEYARD BEING THAT IT'S FOGGY OR THE LUNG HAI TEMPLE. ALSO ITS A OLD PIC BECAUSE IT HAS QUAN CHI AND KITANA IN IT MEANING THEY WERE TESTING IT USING MKDA PEOPLE. I thought these should be added because of the Background arena does anyone know which this on is its some kind of temple.

Ok this is a New Arena founded by Dmitch It looks like a arena in the future?????ANyone know what it is? HERE IT IS THE PIT FINALLY WE SEE THE PIT!!!!!
07/16/2004 04:23 PM (UTC)
great question!I wonder how the dk will look in chesskombat?
07/16/2004 04:27 PM (UTC)
I dunno myself. Also I was wondering, do different characters have different abilities (ressaurect, kill, spell cast, imprison, etc...) or no matter what character you choose for you piece, it will have the same abilities as others?
07/16/2004 06:41 PM (UTC)
I doubt DK will be in Chess Siduu

I think it would be cool if there was like a arcade for chess where u fight the computers group of men and like the final on is the DK and his goons and they are super strong and hard to beat.
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07/16/2004 09:27 PM (UTC)
hmm..maybe u'll get to be able to uppercut them into the dead pool..or the'll be kool to c my fav stage fatals in 3-d..
07/16/2004 10:45 PM (UTC)
Basic Moves On The Chess Board:

*NEW*Both Players are ready to start the Battle

First The Menu of Moves You Can Do

Next A basic Move for Player 2

Then the Basic Move for Player 1

The Kill Move

The Imprison Move

Teleporting on the board

*NEW*The Exchange Move

*NEW*Resurrecting A charcter

*NEW*Setting A Trap
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07/16/2004 10:52 PM (UTC)
I think if you are using your own "Shifter" that his/her ability should be that he/she can force the opponent to transform into a mirror image of his/her self. (or better still ANY character you choose).

Think about it.

You select your team of 5 and they pick theirs. Presumably they are characters the 2 players are good with.

Wouldn't it therefore be more advantageous to force one of theirs to shift into one of your own? (rather than the way it seems to read now).


Re what happens at "check mate" well maybe some cool throne or something can raise through the floor and your "king" could then sit on it and assume victory and yes, fatality to the loser of course!

07/16/2004 10:53 PM (UTC)
Now Time to Battle:

Ready to Fight

Attacker Bonus

The Fight the same as usual

Another Shot of The Fight

Again another shot of the Fight

Lastly Player 1 Takes the Square

Special Thanks to DMitch for the help of these screens and the screens of the moves on the Chess Board Thanks Man.

07/16/2004 10:58 PM (UTC)
Great thread raiden_is_god,this will help the new comers to stop asking question about chess kombat.
07/16/2004 11:44 PM (UTC)
will these stages have death traps?
and what stages are so far confirmed?
07/17/2004 12:09 AM (UTC)
I have no idea about death trap but if you read the rules. It says that there will be a fatality involved for our enjoyment.

So far for stages I know of the portal, graveyard, Deadpool, the one in the pic of Hotaru and Sindel fighting, and the pit. People said they seen the pit it must be on a trailer because I haven't seen it. Also most arenas will be old clasic ones in 3D.

So If anyone has any pictures that aren't here post them or PM me and I will add them. If you know the names of any arenas tell me also.
I can't wait to play Chess Kombat, nice thread
07/17/2004 06:26 PM (UTC)
I can't find this anywhere but will MKD CHess Kombat be online?
07/17/2004 07:13 PM (UTC)

Raiden_is_god Wrote:
I can't find this anywhere but will MKD CHess Kombat be online?

Yeah, I beleive it will. I think Boon, or someone from Midway, said that the board games, Puzzle and Chess, will be online. The only thing not online is Konquest. BTW, Raiden_is_god this is a great thread. Best one MK related.
07/17/2004 07:27 PM (UTC)
Hey Thanks Wish I could Find Pictures of The Pit on Chess Ive read that theres one and some other ones I wish midway would give us more on this game lol.
07/17/2004 07:59 PM (UTC)
You can perform a fatality or hari kiri when you're playing for the quare.If you looked clostly when ermac won baraka you will here "finish him!"
Watch it here!
07/17/2004 08:06 PM (UTC)
Are you sure it was a chess fight I saw one on the 2nd page of that site Chess Battle 2 Trailer Hotaru Vs Sindel and and it didn;t say finish him when he beat her it Said Player 1 wins the square the pics above shows it but maybe the one you saw was the battle against the Leader??? Does anyone else know.
07/17/2004 08:11 PM (UTC)
I just remember I saw it at but they don't have it anymore.I will still keep looking for it!
07/17/2004 09:28 PM (UTC)
Here you go.

07/17/2004 09:32 PM (UTC)
Dmitch got it.You see raden_is_god I wasn't lying but I'm not a computer genius so it's hard for me.Okay when "finish him" appears you can do a fatality right there on the person but it wouldn't make any sence because you'll just hold up the chess match time.
07/18/2004 12:01 AM (UTC)
I didn't say you were lying Siduu all I said I didn;t remember it and maybe the trailler you saw was the leader fight or in regular chess terms. The king fight. Also I saw in that trailer the picture Dmitch posted Hotaru does that kick and it says finish her but Sindel just lies on the ground and he pulls out his weapon to try to get her up. It doesn;t work so he shoots a Flame at her and that gets her but he never had a chance for a fatality.
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07/18/2004 12:12 AM (UTC)
wow chess combat seems even nicer than I tough.

nice thread.
07/18/2004 03:02 AM (UTC)
Hey everyone I'm just wondering I saw the puzzle thread the pics weren't showing up. SO I need to no are mine showing the first 3 should unless IGN takes em down but are there any not showing up THanks for the help.

07/18/2004 03:48 AM (UTC)
I'll keep helping Raiden!
07/18/2004 04:03 AM (UTC)
These are all the chess Kombat videos! first video!
video two!

video three!
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