Tremor and maybe a connection to Bloodstorm?
posted01/26/2012 04:18 AM (UTC)by
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05/27/2008 09:03 PM (UTC)
Do you guys remember the story to how Carlos' Pesina's brother got fired from Midway?

Well, if you don't, I'll summon it up for you. Daniel Pesina, for some ungodly reason, thought it would be cool to promote another fighting game called Bloodstorm while portraying as Johnny Cage by staring in their print-ad.

What's funny to note is that there's a character in this game called Tremor, who has somewhat of Earth-like abilities... The game was a critical failure, this game did not do anything to be a competitor towards Midway (back then).

Then, a few years later, we get Special Forces, a game most people tend to not believe it exists, such as myself, hardy har-har.

And in that game, we do get Tremor, and ever since that game, he has yet to make another appearance.

Do you think, even though this might be overlooking way too many things, could be somewhat of a mockery towards what could have been a competitor towards Midway by creating Tremor in a critically failed game and never reusing him?

I doubt there is, but, this is somewhat of an interesting thing to look at.
01/25/2012 08:48 PM (UTC)

If i get your question, i don't think having Tremor in only one game was ever meant to be only to mock him or his creator in purpose. But that is somewhat, a matter which can be discussed and debated. Otherwise i'm crazy. Maybe i am since after all, i'd dare to think that the team would have liked to make Tremor somewhat sellable (No offence tremor fans, i'm not saying he's hopeless.) But just didn't came through in my opinion.

The character itself has fans. I'm not getting my hopes high in Tremor's case and i won't ever miss him. But i don't think they were mocking him or even trying to make an intentional Joke like they often did in the MK legacy of games.
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01/25/2012 09:44 PM (UTC)
I dunno, I mean its not like they intended for MK:SF to be a critical and commercial failure.

But yea, the Character may indeed be a Tribute to the Tremor you mentioned.

Are pics of him easy to find?
01/25/2012 09:51 PM (UTC)
DistraughtOverlord Wrote:

If i get your question, i don't think having Tremor in only one game was ever meant to be only to mock him or his creator in purpose. But that is somewhat, a matter which can be discussed and debated. Otherwise i'm crazy. Maybe i am since after all, i'd dare to think that the team would have liked to make Tremor somewhat sellable (No offence tremor fans, i'm not saying he's hopeless.) But just didn't came through in my opinion.

The character itself has fans. I'm not getting my hopes high in Tremor's case and i won't ever miss him. But i don't think they were mocking him or even trying to make an intentional Joke like they often did in the MK legacy of games.

Good points you made here. I can see where designing Tremor, there really isn't a mockery behind it... It was more like, since Tremor hardly made any kind of a comeback after his debut in SF and Bloodstorm hardly did anything to be successful, it just sort of... popped in as an idea.

raidenthefridge Wrote:
Are pics of him easy to find?

Well to be honest... No... Since the game is hardly even known by a lot of people, like seriously, go up to someone and ask if they know what Bloodstorm is. Most of the replies I got were, "Is that some kind of a metal band?"

The only picture I can find of him, is this itty bitty tiny little thumbnail of him:

And as you can see, there's hardly a resemblance between MK's Tremor.

Otherwise, you're most likely to find some stuff on Youtube, but not a whole lot.
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01/26/2012 04:18 AM (UTC)
Tremor is a very generic name, especially when one thinks of things like earthquakes. It's probably just a coincidence that they named a brown ninja with Earth powers Tremor. Hell, I named a Piloswine I caught "Tremor" when I was a kid, just because it was a Ground type. Still, I can't believe I never thought about how both games had a Tremor character in their rosters, as well as a cyborg, a princess, a master of the cold, an unwilling cyborg, a military gal, and loads of secret characters who were just recolours of the original roster.
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