What is it exactly that causes certain arenas to disappear from arcade mode in Deception?
posted07/13/2010 12:12 AM (UTC)by
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Must kill Sub-Zero. Whee~

Member Since
03/04/2004 09:27 AM (UTC)
I read that "unlocking everything" causes stages like The Pit and the Chamber of Artifacts is disappear from the arcade mode. Does that mean once you unlock the entire krypt or does unlocking certain koffins prevent this? Out of boredom I'd like to try to create a save file with all the characters, alternate backgrounds, and arenas unlocked on a different memory card. I was just wondering if anyone knew exactly caused certain stages from going away and if it was possible to "skip" whatever caused this while still unlocking the extra arenas.
Just another quick question: Do all versions of Deception (including the Game Cube and PSP ports) do the same thing with the arenas? I'm pretty sure the Game Cube does as I haven't seen The Pit or Chamber of Artifacts in forever, but on the PSP I see the Chamber a lot but never the Pit (and the PSP has the stupid Armageddon tower, so you can't see what backgrounds you have until you fight the next opponent).
07/02/2010 08:41 PM (UTC)
Never heard about that! Where did ya hear this from?!wink
About Me

Must kill Sub-Zero. Whee~

07/02/2010 08:46 PM (UTC)
I read about it a long time ago. It has to be true because I have the PS2, Game Cube, and PSP versions with everything unlocked and I haven't fought on the Pit stage against the computer in four years! Either that or I just have crappy luck.

I was looking through old threads the other day and I saw this:

About Me

"Keep feeding me denial and hate. And from that, I will create".

Dimmu Borgir- Heretic Hammer In Sorte Diaboli

07/13/2010 12:12 AM (UTC)
I think that means I need to slow down with unlocking everything in the game. I have the PS2 version, and so far, I haven't seen anything disappear.

But thats only because I haven't unlocked everything yet (row M in the Krypt). I also havent started Konquest yet. I hope this isn't true because I like how you can send your opponents through several pieces of glass in the Chamber of Artifacts.

If this happens to be true, thanks for the heads-up!! I will try to save all I can on the Koins.
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