hey mods about the dragon koins.....
posted03/24/2004 01:50 AM (UTC)by
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Are you good enough in MK stuff? prove it!
#mktrivia - IRC Channel Operator. Si entiendes esto, Chinga a tu madre!

Member Since
03/08/2004 06:23 PM (UTC)
hi i know this might be asked a thousand times, and i kinda know how the rating system works, but i wanna know a lil bit about the criteria of giving th dragon points, cuz i've seen some really good threads that start good reasonable debate and discussion and they're not given anything, i've hardly seen a couple of threads with dragon points, i think maybe you should out a bit more attention to that, it's just a suggestion and is there any way to see how many points i have (i know i have none but just wondering)
03/23/2004 11:19 PM (UTC)

mk_freak Wrote:
hi i know this might be asked a thousand times, and i kinda know how the rating system works, but i wanna know a lil bit about the criteria of giving th dragon points, cuz i've seen some really good threads that start good reasonable debate and discussion and they're not given anything, i've hardly seen a couple of threads with dragon points, i think maybe you should out a bit more attention to that, it's just a suggestion and is there any way to see how many points i have (i know i have none but just wondering)

Well, although more dragon points would be nice, if they were given out too often, ranks wouldn't be considered a privalige, instead a worthless icon that is easy to obtain. IMO the dragon points are fine the way they are.
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Ghostdragon - Fan Submission Director ghostdragon@mortalkombatonline.com
Mortal Kombat Online - The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience

"Tis true my form is something odd, But blaming me is blaming God. Could I create myself anew, I would not fail in pleasing you. If I could reach from pole to pole, Or grasp the ocean with a span, I would be measured by the soul, The mind's the standard of the man."
-Isaac Watts
03/24/2004 12:34 AM (UTC)

mk_freak Wrote:
hi i know this might be asked a thousand times, and i kinda know how the rating system works, but i wanna know a lil bit about the criteria of giving th dragon points, cuz i've seen some really good threads that start good reasonable debate and discussion and they're not given anything, i've hardly seen a couple of threads with dragon points, i think maybe you should out a bit more attention to that, it's just a suggestion and is there any way to see how many points i have (i know i have none but just wondering)

Sometimes it's not as easy to figure out! You post something that the masses, including God him/herself would want to include within the pantheon of the greats such as Plato and Aristotle. However, it's the mod that make the final decision. Whatever criteria is employed is obviously is used in a subjective manner by the one who looks upon it.

I've basically compitulated to the sobering fact that my I.Q. is that of a Yellow-Spotted Tourtise. But I still post anyways, cause the community here is fun and engaging. If a point comes my way, then cool. If it doesn't, then I'll just quietly go outside and violently beat my head against the pavement. wink (It's actually great therapy. I reccomend it to everyone! LOL!) Then, when I come to I come back to keep on shooting the sh*t with everyone here.

Here's my thing. I don't try. Whatever I wanna say that's interesting, I just let it spill out without trying to force it out. Forcing it out just causes too much stress.


Nature acts without intent,
so cannot be described
as acting with benevolence,
nor malevolence to any thing.

In this respect, the Tao is just the same,
though in reality it should be said
that nature follows the rule of Tao.

Therefore, even when he seems to act
in manner kind or benevolent,
the sage is not acting with such intent,
for in conscious matters such as these,
he is amoral and indifferent.

The sage retains tranquility,
and is not by speech or thought disturbed,
and even less by action which is contrived.
His actions are spontaneous,
as are his deeds towards his fellow men.

By this means he is empty of desire,
and his energy is not drained from him.

-Lau Tse

Peace man!

I'm Ghost!

Ghost Dragon
About Me

I Have Become as the Wastelands of Unending Nothingness. Now Shall the Night Things Fill Me with their Whisperings, and the Shadows Reveal their Wisdom.

03/24/2004 12:52 AM (UTC)

mk_freak Wrote:
and is there any way to see how many points i have (i know i have none but just wondering)

It's intentional that you can't see how many dragon points you have; they want moving up in rank to be a surprise for the user.
About Me

Anything war can do, peace can do better.
03/24/2004 12:58 AM (UTC)
And they don't want you to worry about dragon points. They want real conversation, and the dragon points are secondary.
03/24/2004 01:06 AM (UTC)
I think it would be nice if new ranks actually meant gave you something. Like, Flawless Champions could get avatar upload space. Something along those lines.
03/24/2004 01:47 AM (UTC)
yeah i got like 2 dragonpoints and then i got two skulls after this i havent got anything i am so sad:'(

Ryu Is Cool
About Me

Anything war can do, peace can do better.
03/24/2004 01:50 AM (UTC)
Thats a good idea, Hyuga.
I think you should be able to beat other members up. You get their IPs and MACs and call up the ISP and say "This is the Recording industry, we are looking for a couple pirates" We get their identity, then we beat em up!
Hyuga Wrote:
I think it would be nice if new ranks actually meant gave you something. Like, Flawless Champions could get avatar upload space. Something along those lines.

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