Killer instinct idea reboot
posted12/24/2020 08:47 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
11/29/2020 05:47 PM (UTC)

Classic characters.

Jago - Tiger monk warrior .

Saberwulf- Deadly Werewolf.

Thunder - Chief Native American Indian.

Glacius- Cryomancers aliens.

Sadira- female Assassins of Red Eyes of Rylai.

B orchid- female sercet Agent.

Spinal- Skeleton warrior pirate.

Fulgore- Laser Cyborg.

TJ combo- Mma military.

Maya - Female monster hunter Inca.

Kan ra- undead cruised Sorcerer.

Riptor- Utahraptor .

Omen - Umbrakinesis Demon Spirit.

Aganos- Geokinesis Ancient Golem .

Hisako- Onryō Avenging Ghost.

Cinder - Internal Pyrokinesis Hybrid elemental.

Aria - Advanced Robotics .

Kim wu - Female Dragon monk.

Tusk - Immortal Barbarian.

Mira - Vampiress.

Gargos- Devil Gargoyles Demigod.

Eyedol - Undead Ogre Warlord .

Kilgore- Rocket Gunner cyborg .

Eagle- Native American Archers.

New characters.

Aquakinesis Shark Merfolk gladiator.

Female Telekinesis Fortune teller.

Sliverback Gorilla .

Insect humanoid Mutant.

Wendigo King .

Mad scientist.

Detective inspector.

Birdman warrior .

Djinn .

Electrokinesis Astral being known as last Ichorien .

Hydrid Harpy.

Ninja Dragon .

wushu master.

Goddess heavenly.

Male Bollywood inspired by Dev Patel.

Female blonde fighter Agent .

ballistic serial killer.

muscular, bulky mutant fighter.

Gunslinger vampire hunter.

Battlesuit marine .

Ancient Treekin.

Statue Minotaur.

Female Wrestler.


Android fighter.

Boss villains characters.

Lovecraftian monster .

New tsar known as Vampire lord .

Tyrant Demigod Superman .

Time Reaper .

About Me

No Cage? No sale!

12/24/2020 08:19 PM (UTC)

I don't think it needs a reboot, just a new game. The Xbox One game is awesome.

12/24/2020 08:23 PM (UTC)

I don't think it needs a reboot, just a new game. The Xbox One game is awesome.

ok let think of new characthers and names

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