What happened to this site?
posted12/23/2018 01:58 AM (UTC)by
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06/27/2017 03:11 PM (UTC)
I remember back when i used to be MKorn5 and Sorcererssoul there used to be hundreds of people logging into this site... Now there's hardly ever more than 3. :(
03/04/2018 03:47 PM (UTC)
The last MK game came out 3 years ago... Wait until they announce a new one and it'll be more active around here
03/05/2018 12:42 AM (UTC)
I know man, it just sucks that people can't stick around in between games and write about things they'd like to see in the next installment.
03/05/2018 03:31 PM (UTC)
MkSwitchBlade Wrote:
I know man, it just sucks that people can't stick around in between games and write about things they'd like to see in the next installment.

Yeah, especially because an Injustice game was released less than a year ago and still got DLC released for it last month, but i guess it make sense, this is a MK forum...
03/06/2018 04:47 PM (UTC)
The forum used to be more crowded few years ago because we got a major MK related news every year, plus a MK game every two years. The news were more distribuited throughout the year as well.

Now we have major MK news every three years and a new MK game every four years. The only real news are at E3 and maybe game awards in june and december respectively.

Injustice killed the MK fanbase.
03/07/2018 05:09 AM (UTC)
Yeah. I can see that. Well at least we can send a cheers out to the old days!
03/11/2018 12:11 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
The last MK game came out 3 years ago... Wait until they announce a new one and it'll be more active around here

That's not it.
First of all, message boards like mk5.org are borderline obsolete these days thanks to social networks and websites like Reddit.

Regarding MKO specifically, it is a a dinosaur of a forum. It hasn't been updated in years and years, it works like ancient message boards from the stone age. You have to copy and paste HTML code in order to do simple things like links or post images. The emoticons haven't been updated since freaking MK4. Everything looks and feels like an old forum website from the early 2000s.
03/12/2018 11:22 AM (UTC)
Zentile Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
The last MK game came out 3 years ago... Wait until they announce a new one and it'll be more active around here

That's not it.
First of all, message boards like mk5.org are borderline obsolete these days thanks to social networks and websites like Reddit.

Regarding MKO specifically, it is a a dinosaur of a forum. It hasn't been updated in years and years, it works like ancient message boards from the stone age. You have to copy and paste HTML code in order to do simple things like links or post images. The emoticons haven't been updated since freaking MK4. Everything looks and feels like an old forum website from the early 2000s.

Lol, that's why i like it so much! I don't like change all that much.
03/13/2018 03:40 AM (UTC)
lmao I only use message boards with the freshest emojis and no BB codes. rofl

No new game or horse armor for the site so stupid fans get sleepy. Also no new emojis. lol
03/13/2018 11:37 PM (UTC)
MrMephistopheles Wrote:
lmao I only use message boards with the freshest emojis and no BB codes. rofl

No new game or horse armor for the site so stupid fans get sleepy. Also no new emojis. lol

I'm not talking about you, you're here. I'm talking about a mass audience.
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08/15/2018 08:24 PM (UTC)
Reddit happened.
09/12/2018 06:29 PM (UTC)
Zentile Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
The last MK game came out 3 years ago... Wait until they announce a new one and it'll be more active around here

That's not it.
First of all, message boards like mk5.org are borderline obsolete these days thanks to social networks and websites like Reddit.

Regarding MKO specifically, it is a a dinosaur of a forum. It hasn't been updated in years and years, it works like ancient message boards from the stone age. You have to copy and paste HTML code in order to do simple things like links or post images. The emoticons haven't been updated since freaking MK4. Everything looks and feels like an old forum website from the early 2000s.

This, sadly. Especially the HTML, which is damn frustrating to deal with.
09/13/2018 05:14 PM (UTC)
Injustice didn't kill MKO. MKO killed MKO.

The community just wasn't unified. There were always arguments and accusations of admins abusing power. Users seemed to pack themselves into groups and only spoke to certain people. It was like being in high school, only with no one to actually keep the peace.

I still frequent the Serebii.net message board today, and the site flourishes with hundreds to thousands of users. Yes, Pokémon is far more popular and successful, but the community is also stronger. Mortal Kombat has never had the best fanbase. Truly, no MK message board was destined to make it out of the 2000s, and from what I've seen, none of them have.

In my heart, I'll always be an MK fan, so I'll always return to the sites, even if only for a moment.
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09/16/2018 11:04 AM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
Injustice didn't kill MKO. MKO killed MKO.

The community just wasn't unified. There were always arguments and accusations of admins abusing power. Users seemed to pack themselves into groups and only spoke to certain people. It was like being in high school, only with no one to actually keep the peace.

I still frequent the Serebii.net message board today, and the site flourishes with hundreds to thousands of users. Yes, Pokémon is far more popular and successful, but the community is also stronger. Mortal Kombat has never had the best fanbase. Truly, no MK message board was destined to make it out of the 2000s, and from what I've seen, none of them have.

In my heart, I'll always be an MK fan, so I'll always return to the sites, even if only for a moment.

Here here.
09/28/2018 12:01 PM (UTC)
Admins & mods happened.
Better websites happened.
Social media happened.
Admins & mods happened again.

In that exact order.

Good day.
11/08/2018 03:40 AM (UTC)
The gathering used to be more swarmed a couple of years prior in light of the fact that we got a noteworthy MK related news consistently, in addition to an MK amusement at regular intervals. The news was more distributed during the time also. Presently we have major MK news at regular intervals and another MK amusement like clockwork. The main genuine news is at E3 and possibly amusement grants in June and December separately.
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12/07/2018 01:04 PM (UTC)
Even though I hardly post ever on here anymore, I still check the site and the forums once and awhile even when I'm not logged in.

I'm sure a lot of people still interested in MK still do, too. I still keep in touch via social media with a lot of folks as well, some more than others. I have friendships that span over 20 years now from people who originated in alt.games.mk and the chatroom on webnet before this site even took off to what it is today. I was there to see the changes. Yes, I am old. lol Probably the oldest of the staffers that have worked here unless I've miscalculated or am unaware of someone's age.(Yes that includes D'arqueBishop, too! though not by much. lol)

I don't think [B]ALL[/B] the Admins and Mods could be pidgeon holed into abuse of power in the past, while I was Forum Director I always did my best to be fair to everyone and those that got punished with the ban hammer were warned ample times or did something outright against site policy that was an insta ban from me. You linked porn or scripts that locked up people's pc's and that was it, you were GONE.

I was probably known by a lot of folks because I would still post a lot and act like any of our regular users would...I didn't see myself as any different except for the things I was responsible for here. I'm approachable and easy going, and I'm Canadian afterall! tongue

There were some that I saw once and awhile abusing their status or having preferential treatment to their friends on here, and sadly nothing I could personally do about that at all. Whether it was leniency or heaping out Dragon points more than they should have been or other things which I'd rather not comment much about. Let's just say there were people I felt that didn't care for me too much, and from what I could only see as jealousy of some warped nature, and that kind of led me to being a bit less active here as I was too in seeing that kind of behaviour. But all that is the past now.

There were a few that I admit I kept banned longer than others as they were steady repeat offenders and even friends of mine got no slack from me here, you can ask people like Sterolizer who tried to test that out and got my response on it before. I kept things as fair as humanly possible, and I would challenge any old school MK5/MKO users still around that knew me when I worked here daily to say that I didn't.

Being an Admin in any sort of capacity can be a very thankless job for a website, and I'm not referring to just myself at all, especially if you are volunteering your own time and effort into it with no reward aside of friendships made and supporting a game Kommunity you Love and enjoy.
I voluntarily stepped down back in the day as personal issues and commitments were getting in the way of my ability to do the same level of effort I'd always put into the forums when I was in that position and once it was asked that my job be split with someone else and I just let them carry on from there. We have personal lives too, believe it or not! wink

But yes, the population and amount of posts have disappeared over the years. A lot of coverage is on Youtube or Twitch and Twitter now. I still enjoy forums and the chatroom which I pop into once and awhile via the Discord link.

Last night was a fun group experience for the new trailer and MK11 announcement with old friends on the site's twitch page. You guys missed out! Get your asses on there next time and support folks work to make this site great and keep things going!

I often wonder where a lot of older friends are now that I don't see anymore or what ever happened to them. If any of them still are around and haven't been in contact with me for ages and see this, drop me a message I'd like to hear from you if only to say hey. smile

Oh and howzabout that MK11? wink
12/10/2018 06:37 PM (UTC)
It feels weird to talk about the death of a site ON THAT SITE.

I lurked around here for a long time, started actually posting before MKX or MK9 (I forget but I was lurking for a couple games before that).

I read this and realized I should probably subscribe to MK reddit.

You guys made a lot of good points, I was wondering what had happened around here. I will still be around for a few reasons. A big part of it is nostalgia, part of it is people that I've had interactions with, and part of it is that I like the way the "news" is presented.

Having said that, I can't see anything that would bring new people in and without bringing new people in a community cannot grow and will inevitably diesad
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12/10/2018 07:46 PM (UTC)
I come here like once a year. Been coming since it was MK5.org. In fact, that's still the URL I use to get to the site.

I mean, yeah. Conglomerate sites happened. Twitter, Facebook, live streams, Reddit, AMA's etc etc. This used to be a place even Ed Boon would come to and drop news on, now it's been forgotten for easier access and wider word of mouth via social media.
12/11/2018 11:45 PM (UTC)
Life happened tbh
12/13/2018 02:20 AM (UTC)
Zentile Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
The last MK game came out 3 years ago... Wait until they announce a new one and it'll be more active around here

That's not it.
First of all, message boards like mk5.org are borderline obsolete these days thanks to social networks and websites like Reddit.

Regarding MKO specifically, it is a a dinosaur of a forum. It hasn't been updated in years and years, it works like ancient message boards from the stone age. You have to copy and paste HTML code in order to do simple things like links or post images. The emoticons haven't been updated since freaking MK4. Everything looks and feels like an old forum website from the early 2000s.

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12/13/2018 04:58 AM (UTC)
SubScorpTile Wrote:
Zentile Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
The last MK game came out 3 years ago... Wait until they announce a new one and it'll be more active around here

That's not it.
First of all, message boards like mk5.org are borderline obsolete these days thanks to social networks and websites like Reddit.

Regarding MKO specifically, it is a a dinosaur of a forum. It hasn't been updated in years and years, it works like ancient message boards from the stone age. You have to copy and paste HTML code in order to do simple things like links or post images. The emoticons haven't been updated since freaking MK4. Everything looks and feels like an old forum website from the early 2000s.


Heyooooooooo. Way too many great memories here. Back in like ‘03-‘05 the general discussion section was always busy with quality users. I have some on social media but I’m missing people like BladeTsung who went MIA over 10 years ago and Hyuga who I used to chat with and crack up with all the time.
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12/13/2018 06:48 AM (UTC)
blacksaibot Wrote:
Admins & mods happened.
Better websites happened.
Social media happened.
Admins & mods happened again.

In that exact order.

Good day.

This is the correct response.
Adam Ronin
12/14/2018 04:42 PM (UTC)
I am pretty sad about it all tbh.

This was THE place to go to for MK discussion.

Then MK11 was announced and there were only 14 users on. I obviously get why, times have changed in the world online but what confuses me is MKO is supposedly "BACK IN ACTION" with all these livestreams and new staff and what not but somehow refuse to do anything about this site that hasn't been updated since 2005. What is going on out there? Why am I still looking at ancient web design? Like some fuckgin geocities shit here.
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12/20/2018 12:25 AM (UTC)
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