Injustice Comic Chapter 12 Spoilers
posted04/03/2013 08:08 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
07/18/2005 10:28 PM (UTC)
Wonder Woman is a MEGA BITCH in this issue! smile

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)

1. Batman contacts Aquaman. Warns him Superman is on the way.

2. Superman threatens to kill the kraken if Aquaman doesn't call off the attack. Aquaman agrees.

3. However, Aquaman reminds Superman that he does not control the seas.

4. Tells Superman that whether he realizes it or not, his reign over the Earth is beginning.

5. In a show of strength, Aquaman has the Atlantean armies rise up all over the world.

6. Tells Superman "Get the hell out of my ocean"

7. Superman takes Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, and Shazam to Atlantis.

8. The four of them together bring Atlantis up from the deep and place it in the Sahara desert.

9. Batman tries to plead with Superman over their communicators.

10. Wonder Woman tells Superman that Aquaman is ready to talk.

11. Superman doesn't want to talk with Batman or Aquaman anymore. Tells Wonder Woman to go back and talk with Aquaman.

12. Aquaman agrees to pull back his forces. He asks Wonder Woman to steer Superman away from his current course.

13. She refuses. Tells Aquaman she agrees with what Superman is doing.

14. Aquaman asks Wonder Woman to give Superman a message to seek his counsel in the future and that he's sorry about Lois.

15. Wonder Woman tells Superman that Aquaman has agreed to pull back his forces.

16. When Superman asks if Aquaman said anything else, Wonder Woman says "No, nothing"
04/02/2013 06:29 PM (UTC)
I find it odd that WW who has always been about preserving peace would do something that would further instigate conflict. However, maybe she, like Superman, has just become disillusioned about her role in society.
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04/02/2013 10:47 PM (UTC)
WW really is the villain in all of this. She's pulling Superman's puppet strings. This Comic has turned out really good so far. What is Batman waiting for though? He's not doing much of anything except talking on the communicator.
04/03/2013 07:55 AM (UTC)
WW (Depending on the universe) is always the "Ends justifies the means" person and eye for an eye girl.
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

04/03/2013 08:08 AM (UTC)
Great issue. The gap between superman and batman is getting wider. I'm sure conflict between the two is right around the corner.

Tom Taylor also confirmed that the injustice comics will still be coming past the games release.
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