Kintaro vs Motaro
Kintaro, he is more intimidating to me, and his teleport stomp completly fucking owned me because it was so fast.
Motaro however is simple, when he shoots a laser from his tail, I just have to jump over it. When he trys to grab me, I just give him a nice kick in the stomach. When he trys to donkey kick me, I backflip out of the way. I KNOW ALL THE STRATEGIES FOR MOTARO.
Motaro however is simple, when he shoots a laser from his tail, I just have to jump over it. When he trys to grab me, I just give him a nice kick in the stomach. When he trys to donkey kick me, I backflip out of the way. I KNOW ALL THE STRATEGIES FOR MOTARO.

Gotta give it to Kintaro. It seems like Centaurians work best as armies while Shokans are better individual warriors. Motaro was simply appointed leader of the Centarian army while Kintaro was chosen as Goro's sucessor.
Besides, Sheeva beat Motaro. If Sheeva can beat him, Kintaro got this!
Besides, Sheeva beat Motaro. If Sheeva can beat him, Kintaro got this!

Motaro (assuming he has all 4 legs) would pollywhop that cute, furry kitty. He can reflect all projectile, is insanely fast, and can pop a cap bare-handed faster than any, ANY, other MK kharactet, and mystically hold it with his knuckles.

legoslayer10 Wrote:
Motaro (assuming he has all 4 legs) would pollywhop that cute, furry kitty. He can reflect all projectile, is insanely fast, and can pop a cap bare-handed faster than any, ANY, other MK kharactet, and mystically hold it with his knuckles.
Motaro (assuming he has all 4 legs) would pollywhop that cute, furry kitty. He can reflect all projectile, is insanely fast, and can pop a cap bare-handed faster than any, ANY, other MK kharactet, and mystically hold it with his knuckles.
...And couldn't beat Sheeva! Perhaps the weakest of the three Shokan characters!!
And look at Kintaro's arms! He does not need to use projectiles with those guns.

Motar can just run 'im over anyway. Sheeva, Goro, or Kintaro, or all three, Motaro destroys them. It took Liu to defeat the first two bosses, Raiden HAD to kill Motaro. He's just that awesome.

It took a god to kill him=. A FRIGGIN' GOD had to kill him. Settled.

Besides, Sheeva beat Motaro. If Sheeva can beat him, Kintaro got this!
Besides, Sheeva beat Motaro. If Sheeva can beat him, Kintaro got this!
So what ? Motaro being beaten by Sheeva doesnt mean she is stronger
Kahn is stronger and more powerful than Liu Kang. He was defeated by Liu in MK2, MK3
Goro is stronger and more powerful than Liu Kang. He was defeated by Liu in MK1, MK4
Kintaro is stronger and more powerful than Liu Kang. He was defeated by Liu in MK2
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