04/28/2015 07:36 AM (UTC)
coltess Wrote:
*sigh* missing list again

Tanya, Kano, Raiden

Off Kano
Marry Tanya
Bffs with Raiden. He would probably hang out with Fujin a lot and I could be like the new hero lol

I didn't see this guys get done
futuretime23 Wrote:
Windy_Thunderstorm Wrote:
Damn it! I finally get Shinnok and Raiden, but you give me the corropt ones. Lol

Kill Jackie

Fuck Shinnok (He knows magic, he can probably convert back at will.)

Marry Dark Raiden, corrupted or not he's still my Ray Diddy.

Torr, Bo Rai Cho, and Sareena.

Kill Torr
Have a beer with Bo Rai Cho
Marry Sareena.
My next picks are: Scorpion,Sub-Zero(Liang),and Ermac.

Kill Scorpion
Bffs with Sub and I would call him Subby wubby
Chill with Ermac, he could probably tell me more about his souls and shit

Chameleon, Hotaru, and Havik
04/29/2015 10:52 PM (UTC)
Kill Hotaru
Have a beer with Chameleon
Super BFFs with Havik.

My next picks are: Shao Kahn,Kotal Kahn and Onaga.
About Me

Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

04/29/2015 11:07 PM (UTC)
Kill Shao Kahn
Date Onaga
Marry Kotal Kahn

Scorpion, Sub-Zero and Reptile next.
04/29/2015 11:24 PM (UTC)
i'll take that one.
Kill Scorpion
Have a beer with Reptile
Super BFFs with Sub.
...you know,I kinda get the feeling I already did this one before,but whatever.

next ones are: Hsu Hao,Mokap,Kobra.
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