Regarding the Boot and Immune Game.
posted02/07/2005 05:08 AM (UTC)by
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Are you good enough in MK stuff? prove it!
#mktrivia - IRC Channel Operator. Si entiendes esto, Chinga a tu madre!

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03/08/2004 06:23 PM (UTC)
I've read the last poasts on teh last round and it seems there is a misunderstanding.

17wpermacpw17 i did not edited my vote after the tally, i voted for Cyrax and indeed edited it two minutes later, As RasalGhul stated and he was the one in charge of the Tally i edited before the time expired.

I am not a cheater, that's why i stopped playing fort a while because of the lame alliances and the cheaters, Don't ever call me a cheater because I will not do something that was the cause of me leaving the game for a while. I don't need alliances or Cheating to make someone win, I can Edit my votes whenever I want before the tally and that's what i did.
02/07/2005 05:04 AM (UTC)
I was actually the one that was wrong and I realize that now. I was thinking that the game was ending at 3:05(my time) I noticed the edit at about 3:10. Sorry, I made a big deal about it. I noticed this after I PMed you ~Crow~. I don't want you to think I'm an ass, FrEaK. I never thought you cheated, just edited too late.
About Me

Are you good enough in MK stuff? prove it!
#mktrivia - IRC Channel Operator. Si entiendes esto, Chinga a tu madre!

02/07/2005 05:08 AM (UTC)
Ok bro no problem, let's not make a fuss out if this but i wanted to be clear and state that I wasn't cheating, i'm not that kind of ppl dude. And well everyone can be wrong so no problem dude. Everything forgotten.

BTW i never got your PM.
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